After the Rainfall: It's Not You. It's Me (Episode 14)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 14

"It's Not You. It's Me"

"I think... that we should break up..."

"Y-You and I want to become heroes... a-and I don't want to burden you anymore! I'll take any punishment, I j-just don't want *your* future to be affected just from ONE high school relationship... "

"I-It hurts... — It hurts me so much because I'm so madly in love with you. I-It's BECAUSE I'm so in love with you that I want this... I've made up my mind..."


"I don't want that. I don't want us to end. When I was just a child, all I ever admired were heroes. I wanted to become one so badly, so I entered U.A. High School."

"All of my aspirations changed when I met you, and all of our classmates. I didn't just want to be a hero anymore. I wanted to be somebody that our class can call a friend. I want to be someone my friends can look up to..."

"But most importantly, my biggest wish is to be able to say that I'm yours."


"When we graduate, I'm going to become a hero. You and I are going to be partners, and when we have a stable income and assets, I'll propose to you."

"We'll get married, and have a family of our own. We're going to sit down one day, and tell stories to our children by a fireplace. Then we'll go out, and do hero work. We'll both hang out with everybody from Class 1-A, who have children of their own."

"We'll grow old together. We'll watch our children graduate. We'll watch our grandchildren, and even when we're on our deathbed, I won't have any regrets — because I know that I'll have been content having spent my entire life with you, the love of my life."

"H-How do you know if... we can even make it that far...?"


"But it's the future you want too, right...?"


Izuku: Yaoyorozu?

Momo suddenly awakens from her daydream, slightly jumping from where she's seated. Izuku suddenly begins panicking after seeing Momo so out-of-touch with reality.

Izuku: Y-Yaoyorozu, are you okay? I noticed that you weren't with us during breakfast, and I came to check up on you. You look like you've seen a ghost or something!

Momo: N-No, I'm fine, really — Thank you, Midoriya. I've just been... deep in my thoughts, that's all.

Izuku: Thoughts about what?

Momo: Thoughts about... Shoto...

Izuku: Oh, are you nervous about meeting his mother? Todoroki told me that you were planning to accompany him to visit.

Momo: I-I guess that's partially why, b-but that's not really it.

Izuku notices Momo's unusually woebegone demeanor, leading him to worry about her. Izuku decides to take a seat next to her, trying her best to console his friend.

Izuku: Well, um... Just so you know, if it makes you feel any better, you can always talk to me, Yaoyo-... Yao-momo!

Knowing how usually polite Izuku is, Momo slightly giggles through her frown at Izuku forcing himself to call her "Yao-momo", her pet name given to her by her classmates. Momo gives in, and decides to open up to her friend.

Momo: *Sigh* Well, if I were to tell anyone, I'd much rather it be you, Midoriya. Gosh knows that I can't tell Shoto, nor Mina, nor Kyoka... nor *any* of the girls for that matter...

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