After the Rainfall: The Prince and The Frog (Episode 12)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 12

"The Prince and The Frog"

My dearest...

              In my world of everlasting darkness, I stand here alone with nothing but my thoughts. That was until you broke open the dark, cold void. You brought an immense ray of sunlight into my blackened life. The embers of your love fuel my emotions more and more everyday, igniting my world with your ever-blazing, affectionate flames. As one who has let the darkness consume me, you have shown me the feeling of your warm light.

             I want to be only yours, so I may be able to experience your warmth throughout the abyssal void in my heart. Allow me to enrapture myself in your love, and I will undertake any challenge to prove my unending admiration towards you by taking you out to eat tomorrow for lunch or something if you would be down for that.

                                                                                                                            Truly yours,
                                                                                                                           Fumikage Tokoyami


Fumikage is in his room along with Denki and Dark Shadow. Fumi had given Denki a letter he had made after dragging him into his room out of nowhere.

Denki: Uh... Tokoyami?

Fumikage: Yes, how was it?

Denki: Um, how do I say this? You're a... great guy and all, but I don't think I'd be willing to be in a relationship with you like that. Not that I wouldn't be down or anything! I just... like Jiro too much, okay? Of course, I'll still be your friend-!

Fumikage: The letter isn't for you.

Denki: Really? Thank God... — I mean, not that I'm saying I didn't WANT to or anything like that! Crap, um, I'm sounding really weird right now; I think I'm just gonna shut up now...

Fumikage: Yes, please. I only wanted you to proofread it, but now you're making this quite uncomfortable for Dark Shadow and I.

Dark Shadow: I dunno, it seemed real funny to me...

Denki: Well, who is the letter for...? Wait, don't tell me...

Fumikage: *Sigh* Yes, I wrote it for Asui.

Denki: *Gasp* Oh my gosh, that's so romantic! You even have the dark poetry that goes with your emo aesthetic and everything!

Fumikage: I'm not... "emo".

Dark Shadow: Yeah, get it right! We're goth.

Denki: Albeit a little cheesy, and the fact that you kinda dropped the ball at the end there, the letter's really good! What's stopping you from going to Asui's room right now?

Fumikage: I... *Gulp* I...


Ten Years Ago...

A six-year-old Fumi is walking up shyly to a group of female first-graders on a school playground. He is holding a small bouquet of flowers that he made from picking them from the school's garden. He walks up to one of the girls and notices rays of sunlight shining upon her smiling face.

Fumi continues admiring the sunlight before bashfully approaching one of the girls, nervously blushing as he continues building up the courage.

Fumikage: U-Um... T-Tomoko...?

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