After the Rainfall: It's Called A Crush... (Episode 17)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 17

"It's Called A Crush..."

Katsuki is pacing around back and forth at the front door of the dormitory. He is anxiously awaiting someone's arrival evidenced by him taking quick glances outside of the window every few seconds. Seeing this, Izuku stands up from his seat on the couch, and approaches Katsuki.

Izuku: H-Hey, Kaccha-?

Katsuki: Who the f-?! Oh, it's just you.

Izuku: Jeez, I know you hate me and all, but you don't have to sound so disappointed whenever I approach you...

Katsuki: I don't hate you... I just would really prefer if you were either at least five hundred miles away from me, or dead.

Izuku: U-Uh... I guess that's the closest thing I'll ever get as a compliment from you.

Katsuki: Fuck you mean? I compliment you... sometimes.

Izuku: Oh yeah? Like when?

Katsuki: Like... earlier this morning during breakfast.


Earlier that morning during breakfast...

Izuku happily skips towards the dining table with a box of cereal. He takes a seat beside Katsuki who groans as Izuku decides to sit right next to him.

Izuku: Good morning, Kacchan!

Katsuki: Move outta the fucking way, nerd.

Izuku: Sounds like someone's jealous that I'm about to get a toy from the cereal box!

Katsuki: Why the fuck would I be jealous over some kiddie shit like that? You really need to get your domepiece fucking checked.

Izuku: Hmph! You say that now, but after I get the new, limited edition "Shiny All Might" card out of the booster pack, we'll see who'll be jealous!

Izuku pours cereal out of the box, and he immediately stuffs his hand inside of the box. As he continues fidgeting for the booster pack, Tenya passes Izuku the carton of milk. Izuku pulls out the single, sealed card from inside of the box.

He immediately tears the seal, and closes his eyes, eagerly awaiting to see what card he had gotten. As Izuku continues building up the suspense for himself, Tenya pours milk into Izuku's bowl of cereal. In one swift motion, Izuku flips the card over, and opens his eyes.

Izuku: *Gasp* And it's-! Ahhh, man! It's just a regular All Might card... I already have tons of these in my collection!

Tenya: You'll get it next time, Midoriya.

Minoru: Yeah, Midoriya, don't worry! I have a feeling the next cereal box'll surely have the card you're looking for.

Katsuki: Ha! Better luck next time, fuckin' loser.

Eijiro lightly elbows Katsuki on the shoulder as Izuku pouts at him.

Eijiro: Dude, Bakugo, relax...

Izuku: Hmph... Meanie!


Izuku: That wasn't a compliment, you meanie!

Katsuki: It totally fuckin' was though, dumbass. I wished you better luck out of your next pull, and if my memory serves, supporting someone through hardships is a form of compliment. Am I wrong, you damn nerd?

Izuku: Your phrasing was all off, stupid! Your words didn't come out as a compliment. If you really wanted to wish me luck, you should say: "Better luck next time" without calling me an "effing loser".

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