Under the Rainfall: My Friends Too (Episode 22)

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Under the Rainfall: Episode 22

"My Friends Too"

Mina and Shoto walk downstairs to the living room without Katsuki, presumably because he went back to his room. Izuku, Eijiro and Denki hastily approach the two, prying them for answers.

Izuku: Ashido, Todoroki...

Eijiro: Well, what did Mr. Aizawa say?

Hearing these words coming from Eijiro, Mina begins welling up again. She then begins softly crying to herself. Izuku, Eijiro, Denki and Shoto then guide her to the couch where the five of them can sit and talk it out.

Mina: *Sob* I-I've been such a terrible friend...

Denki: Todoroki, what happened up there...?

Shoto suddenly stands up then forcefully grabs Denki by the collar. Shoto's expression is visibly angered, causing Denki to retract in fear.

Denki: T-Todoroki?!

Shoto: Were you a part of this, Kaminari? Did you not stop Ashido when she went up to Momo's room to take that photo?

Eijiro: Todoroki! Calm down, man!

Denki: *Panic* I-I-I swear, I didn't do NOTHING, man! I had no clue Ashido was gonna take that picture! After I danced with Jiro, I went straight to my room, I swear — nothing else!

Izuku: Todoroki, that's enough! Yeah, we're all stressed out, but being aggressive towards our classmates isn't going to help!

After listening to Izuku's words, Shoto takes a deep inhale then calmly lets go of Denki's collar. Denki quickly sits down, and hides behind Eijiro for protection.

Shoto: *Sigh* Midoriya's right...

Denki: Alright, now that Todo's calmed down... What exactly did Mr. Aizawa say to you in his room?

Shoto looks to his classmates, then bluntly decides to tell them straightforwardly.

Shoto: He said that if the scandal gets any more out of hand, he'll have to expel everybody involved, and I think that includes everyone in Class 1-A.

Izuku, Eijiro, Denki: EXPEL?!

The three begin panicking to themselves. Everyone was involved in the plan, so if what Aizawa said was true, then everybody in class would have to pay the price.

Denki: Holy crap, there's no way...

Eijiro: B-But... a-all the hard work we've done...!

Izuku: (Everything All Might had entrusted to me... everything the previous users of One For All entrusted... all gone because of one photo?!)

Mina: *Sob* I'm so sorry... I didn't m-mean for it to become this serious...!

The four observe Mina's despondency. Seeing how genuinely disheartened their classmate is causes them to forget the concept of expulsion altogether. Denki nudges Eijiro on the shoulder to get his attention.

Denki: *Whisper* Dude, go comfort her!

Eijiro: *Whisper* Huh?! Why me?!

Denki: *Whisper* Well, you two have been spending the most time with each other these past weeks! Come on... do it before she breaks something...

Eijiro quietly groans to himself, still guiltily watching Mina crying.

Denki: *Whisper* So you're just gonna leave a classmate in depression without even thinking to help? That isn't very manly, Kirishima...

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