After the Rainfall: ...It's All Your Heart Feels. (Episode 19)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 19

"...It's All Your Heart Feels."

Author's Note: I highly recommend viewing this chapter on mobile. It works just fine on desktop, but I don't recommend it.

This chapter is formatted as a chat log through texting, so as much as possible, please try to read it on a mobile device like a phone or a tablet.

January 2022 Edit:
This chapter will always have a special place in my heart, being based from my own personal experience. These experiences helped me grow as a friend, an author, a son and a person. In order to provide the optimum experience, I've edited this chapter more times than I can count.

This chapter also serves as a major turning point for the theme of this story. Romance will always be a significant theme, but the main focal point, themes and morals will change — to the point that it even make a reader expecting more fluffy romance to feel disturbed at the sudden twist of genre.

From here onward, I advise all of you to read with caution. I genuinely appreciate everyone who's been reading the story from start to finish, and I hope you all will continue supporting me in my endeavors as a writer.

Everything will be found.

— Average Cabbage, Author-san

                                              January 10, 2021

                                                      7:23 AM

You: hey

                                                      7:46 AM

You: camie

u there?

                                                      8:09 AM

                                                             Camie: omg hiyaaaa. sowwy
                                                             i was doin smth lmao

You: its cool

                                                            Camie: quick replier arent u??

You: Fuck sorry 

                                                            Camie: lol nonono its fine what is it?

You: idk man fuck. this was a shitty idea.

                                                            Camie: kachaaaan u can tell me
                                                            anyth i wont be angwyyy 🥺

You: no its literally nothing. forget i said anything.

                                                            Camie: i mean okay??? if
                                                            ur sure igs...?¿?

You: bye ttyl

                                                             Camie: Byieeee 💅

                                                     9:13 AM

You: wait camie

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