After the Rainfall: Tears (Episode 24)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 24


The 1-A Dorm is being filled with guests. The students of 1-A are desperately trying to appease the ever-increasing amount of partygoers. It isn't helping that the majority of the class was outside managing the lines. Denki and Tenya are struggling to manage the tasks, and the people who were already inside are making it difficult to think because of all of the noise.

The worst part is that the birthday boy isn't even at the dorm yet. Most of the people who had arrived only came to see Shoto, so him not being there definitely posed a problem. A few people even straight-up leave after a few minutes because of this. The party itself is falling into shambles; everyone was not prepared for the amount of people to show up.

Tenya: Kaminari, the internet's down again! I'm hearing complaints from everybody!

Denki: For real?! U-Ummm... R-Reboot the router; we can't have any more people leaving!

Mina: Iida, Kaminari, we're out of candy! Sato's completely overworked!

Tenya: Has he tried consuming sugar to give himself a boost?

Mina: See, that's the thing! He downed the whole, entire jar of sugar, and we were okay for about thirty minutes, but now he's passed out!

Denki: U-Uhh, g-go get Shoji and bring Sato back to his room!

Tenya: Kaminari, are you sure? We need all the manpower we can get!

Denki: Urgh — You're right, but we have to make sure we're all okay too, right? Iida, can you go get Sero and Tokoyami on a dessert run?

Tenya: I can go do it myself! I'm the fastest in the class without Midoriya.

Denki: I need you to stay here and help me, man! I would've given up if you weren't here helping me!

Mina: This would be so much easier if we had Midoriya and Yao-momo!

Tsuyu: Kaminari, it's an emergency!

Denki and Tenya look towards Tsuyu. She hops in, holding Minoru's barely conscious, limp body.

Tsuyu: Mineta's feeling dizzy from blood loss!

Denki: Mineta?! What the hell did you DO?!

Minoru: *Cough* *Cough* I'm not gonna make it, Kaminari... T-Tell Yaoyorozu that I'll always love her-

Tsuyu: He tried groping some of the female guests, and got smacked hard upside the head.

Tenya: *Sigh* Gosh... damn it.

Denki: I-I honestly can't believe you right now. Bring him to his room, Asui...

Tsuyu quickly hops towards the stairs. Another member of Class 1-A is out of commission.

Denki: This is just great... Where the hell is Bakugo?!

Tenya: We don't know; he just disappeared into the crowd. Sero and Kirishima are trying to find him, but so far, neither of the two have come back to report.

Kyoka: *Pant* *Pant* D-Denki, I need you!

Denki: We can save the sentimental stuff for later, Kyoka. We're trying to manage a party here!

Kyoka: No, not that! The karaoke machine's busted; it's eating up WAY too much electricity!

Tenya: We might have a full power outage. Are you sure Kaminari's the right man for the job?

Denki: Ughhh! I'm trying to make rational decisions here, but all the people and the thunder's making it hard to THINK!

Kyoka: I could go and turn up the music.

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