Under the Rainfall: Everyone's Dates (Episode 26)

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Under the Rainfall: Episode 26

"Everyone's Dates"

December 30th — Class 1-A Dorm

Class 1-A are all sitting down, and ecstatic for the New Year's Formal Dance taking place tomorrow, New Year's Eve. Everyone is having conversation, more specifically, who exactly each person plans to bring as their date.

Right now, everyone is circled around Denki and Kyoka — in whom the former is confessing his feelings for the latter.

Denki: A-And, to summarize... I think you're amazing, beautiful, a-and... I just want to say that I love you, Kyoka! I love you with all my heart. Please be my date for the dance...!

After his over-the-top confession, (cut due to it's length) Denki looks up at Kyoka who is completely flushed in embarrassment. All of their classmates cheer for Denki, who had been practicing his confession for days since Christmas.

Denki: S-So... what do you say?

Kyoka: Ehhh, I dunno. I'm still thinking of asking Shinso...


*Glass Breaks*

Maybe it's because of the silence, but you would hear the sound of Denki's heart shattering from rejection if you were there.

Denki: *Whimper* O-Oh... th-that's cool, I... guess...

Denki then suddenly begins watering up in front of his classmates. Suddenly, he begins flat out crying. Kyoka then immediately kneels down, and begins patting him on the back.

Kyoka: D-Denki, Denki! It was a joke! I'd love to go with you to the dance, please stop crying!

Denki: *Sob* O-Oh... word...? *Stuttering* Y-You don't know how... how much you scared me there...! Hahaha...ha...

Denki continues weeping as he speaks.

Kyoka: K-Kaminari, you big dork... Now you've just made things awkward...

Denki, through his tears, grabs Kyoka then tightly hugs her, squeezing her and making her blush in the process.

Kyoka: Alright, everyone, show's over! I'm gonna bring this dumbass back to his room...

Denki then looks up in "Yay Mode"

Denki: y a A Y Y y y Y y y Y !

Kyoka: How the hell did you manage to become stupid?! You didn't even use your quirk!

Kyoka grabs Yay-Mode-Denki bridal style then proceeds to head for Denki's room.

Class 1-A goes back about their business, each one asking each other who they plan to go out with. A lot of the guys are sitting around with each other, talking about who they plan to go with.

Hanta: So... it looks like Kaminari's obviously gonna go with Jiro — no surprise there. How about ya'll?

Shoto: Well...

Shoto wraps his arm around Momo who is sitting right next to him. Momo giggles then rests her head on Shoto's shoulder.

Momo: Hee hee — Shoto and I are planning to go together.

Eijiro: That should've been obvious as well...

Fumikage: Let's get the elephant out of the room. Mineta, who are you going with?

Everybody discernably stares at the Fresh-Picked Hero. Minoru then starts wagging his index finger, then he gives everyone a sly smirk.

Minoru: You all actually thought I didn't have somebody to go with? Tsk Tsk Tsk - Well, Grape Juice is going with Shoji!

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