After the Rainfall: Falling Apart (Episode 22)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 22

"Falling Apart"

"Yeah, 1-A's throwing another party! This time, it's for Todoroki's birthday, so whoever wants to greet 1-A's most handsome face a happy birthday, come down to Heights Alliance, and into 1-A's dorm! Open-invite, all are welcome (except for u shiggy, were watching you 😠👀)"

Denki: Alright, the tweet's out. Anything else anyone wanna add?

Mina: You should've added that I was gonna do a breakdance performance with Aoyama. That'll fetch a couple of retweets.

Toru: Speaking of retweets, who's this "Gale Force" dude who immediately liked and quote retweeted with "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODOBROKI!"

Hanta: Oh, that's Todo's friend from Shiketsu. Baldy? Whirlwind quirk? First year? Smashed his head against the concrete?

Toru: Ohhhh...

Denki: Yeah, and I should've added that Jiro was hosting karaoke, huh?  How are the decorations going up there, Tokoyami?!

Fumi is on the roof, hanging red and white LED lights with his flight capabilities, and through the assistance of Dark Shadow.

Fumikage: All good here, Kaminari!

Dark Shadow: The fort's all locked down here, commander!

Denki: Alriiiiiight... — Iida, how's things goin' over on your end?!

Tenya is overseering his classmate's tasks. He is going to be the moderator, and MC of the event, so he has to make sure that all of his friends are working their hardest.

Tenya: All good here, Kaminari! As Class 1-A's representative, it is my sworn duty to watch over the preparations of Todoroki's party!

Tenya's earnest personality, and aggressive hand chopping causes everybody at Denki's station to laugh.

Denki: You can take it easy with the hand, man — ahahaha!

Mina: Hey, is it just me, or is the sun setting?

Denki and co. look outside of the dorm window, and surely enough, the sun was dipping down from outside.

Hanta: Holy crap, how long have we been at it?

Eijiro: Relax, ya'll. It's only a little past five; Todoroki said that he'll be out until dark, remember?

Toru: I hope Yao-momo's having fun with Mrs. Todoroki right now...

Denki: Man, I wish we could call them and see how they're doing, but these phone lines are still down...

Kyoka: *Afar* Just text him using wi-fi, stupid!

Kyoka, who is setting up the karaoke booth, yells at Denki from afar.

Denki: Kyoka, the wi-fi's down, remember? And apparently I'm the stupid one...

Kyoka: *Yell* It's been back for like an hour, dumbass! Explain how you made the tweet!

Denki looks down at his phone, and surely enough, the tweet about Shoto's party was sent because of an internet connection.

Denki: ...That's embarrassing...

As Kyoka goes back to her business, everybody laughs at Denki's stupidity.

Denki: Yeah, yeah, laugh it up... I didn't see any of you guys have the bright idea of wi-fi...

Mina: *Gasp* Look, the tweet is taking off!

Everybody looks at Mina's phone screen. Mere minutes after posting the tweet, multiple likes, comments and retweets fill the screen.

Denki: Holy crap! My phone's never gotten THIS many notifications before.

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