Under the Rainfall: Foreign Feelings (Episode 2)

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Under the Rainfall: Episode 2

"Foreign Feelings"

The game continues. Everyone has been playing for a couple of minutes. Asking each other embarrassing questions, and giving each other even more embarrassing dares. Tsuyu spins the bottle, and the cap eventually points towards Toru.

Tsuyu: Toru, truth or dare?

Toru: Uuuuu — If I pick dare, you won't make me do something with the teachers, right Tsu?

Tsuyu: Ehehehe — I'm not making any promises!

Toru: Uwaaa, fine! I pick truth!

Mina: Tsu, Tsu! Ask her what I told you to ask!

Tsuyu: We already went this far, might as well. — Ribbit Ribbit...

Toru is bouncing left to right, awaiting the question that Tsuyu will ask.

Tsuyu: Toru, is there anybody in Class 1-A that you like?

The girls collectively squeal and the boys all nervously laugh.

Toru: ...I, umm — M- Maybe buying dinner won't be so bad!

Mina: Toru-u-u-u! Avoiding the question'll only make us more suspicious!

Even while invisible, Toru is still obviously blushing.

Toru: Fine, okay? Yes, there's someone in our class that I find really cute...

The squealing continues, and Mina runs to Toru and begins playfully shaking her.

Mina: Who is it, who is it, WHO IS IT?!

Toru: M- Mina! I already answered your question!

Mina: Okay, but is said person in this circle right now?!

Everyone goes silent, awaiting Toru's answer...

Toru: Y- Yeah, he is, okay?! Now stop interrogating me, or I'm going back to my room!

Momo: I think that's enough questioning, Mina.

Shoto: Yaoyorozu is right... You shouldn't push her for an answer if it's making her uncomfortable...

Toru: Yeah, what he said!

Mina: Okay, Todoroki, if you're so concerned, why don't you go next? You haven't gone yet, so it's only fair!

Hanta: But Ashido, isn't that kinda against the rules!

Mina: I'm the game master, so I decide! Todoroki's going up next!

Shoto: *Sigh* Fine, let's just get this over with...

Mina: Truth or dare?

Shoto: Erm... truth.

Mina: Aha! You just activated my trap card!

Mina smirks and everyone looks towards her to give out Shoto's question.

Mina: Do you like any of the girls from Class 1-A?

Instead of squealing like normal, everyone awaits Shoto's answer.

Shoto: I have an admiration towards all of my classmates, so yes, I do like all of you, including the girls.

Mina: Noooo! Not like THAT, Todoroki! Are you crushing on anyone from our class? Are you, are you, are you?!

Shoto: Crush? No, you've got it all wrong, I wouldn't crush any of the girls. You all are my dear friends, and I wouldn't do anything to hurt any of you.

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