After the Rainfall: Another Intimate Night (Episode 4)

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After the Rainfall: Episode 4

"Another Intimate Night"

Momo: So you're telling us that the two of you held hands last night inside of Midoriya's room?

Ochaco and Izuku look downwards in a guilty manner, as all of their classmates blankly stare at the two.

Shoto: But, Midoriya — didn't you two interlock arms during your first date at the festival?

Fumikage: I also remember seeing the two of you casually dancing with one another during both Christmas AND New Year's Eve.

Hanta: What makes holding hands in private any different from what you guys were doing up 'til then?

Izuku: It's the atmosphere, Sero! Those other times were pure and wholesome.

Ochaco: B-But... th-that night wasn't sweet, nor innocent...

Izuku: It was adult!

Ochaco: It was lewd!

Izuku: It was... horrifyingly suggestive...


Last night...

Izuku and Ochaco walk up to the former's room right after the New Year's Dance. They stop right at the door frame, preparing to say their goodbyes.

Izuku: Welp... This is me.

Ochaco: Ahahaha... I guess it is.

Izuku: I, um... had lots of fun tonight, Ochaco!

Ochaco: Me too, Deku! I just wish this day would last a little bit longer...

Izuku: Well, all good things must come to an end, I guess...

Ochaco: R-...Right.

Izuku: I'm... gonna go inside my room now.

Ochaco: Go ahead, don't make me stop you — ahaha...

Izuku: Yeah — S-Still need to change out of my clothes after all...

Ochaco: W-Well, um... good night then!

Izuku: Y-Yeah... g-good... night.

Even after the bedtime wishes, Izuku and Ochaco continue gazing at each other. Noticing this, the two immediately go red in the face. Izuku quickly fumbles with the keys to his room, and barely manages to unlock the door. He then enters the room, and looks behind him to see Ochaco smiling and waving him goodbye.

Ochaco: Bye!

Izuku: Goodbye...

Ochaco: ...I love-!

Izuku quickly closes the door in flustration.

Ochaco: -you... *Sigh*

Izuku presses his back against the door, and slides downwards with both of his palms on his face.

Izuku: (Dang it, Izuku — What was that?! Now she probably feels awkward standing there alone!)

Ochaco does the same from the other side of the door.

Ochaco: (That was short-lived... Did he enjoy being with me as much as I did with him...?)

Izuku: (Some hero... I can't even face her without getting all shy...! I need to snap the heck out of it!)

Ochaco: (I couldn't even tell him that I love him... I should at least just tell him THAT much...)

Izuku: (I should at least walk her back to her room. What kind of guy leaves the GIRL alone? I'm such a big dumb-dumb...)

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