Chapter 15: bail

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In case some of your wondering, the story won't follow the entire plot of the show.

Erich was constantly shifting places between work, he was either at 'GATGS' or 'APPLSN' and it was affecting his mood harshly. The inspectors constantly seeming to be at his throat, not to mention the distant attitude y/n gave him constantly as if she just met him. Y/n on the other hand was getting absolutely pissed at Erich's childishness, him constantly groaning and compiling about everything every time he walked through the doors.

The only good thing going for her were the sales that rocketed over the course of months for video game, it was mind blowing. Over two billion dollars worth of profit made out of it, now she just had to even it all out which should leave with a good few hundred million of bucks.

Though most of that stack of money she'd have left would in fact go into 'GATGS' so it would really only leave her with about six hundred million dollars if she subtracted the fees, tax, and pay offs she had to do to fix some of her tech.

"Y/n are you even fucking listening to me?" Erich scoffed at her distant behavior.

"No, I never am." She said bluntly. She pushed herself up and mad she retain to the small fridge in her office. She had to move to work there because Erich wouldn't shut the hell up about how he couldn't stand behind in crowded places.

Erich watched as her eyes rolled and she took a bottle of juice out of her fridge. "What do you think about adding infected animals to the game, it's be a bigger challenge." He suggested.

"Let's do it, make them look realistic though, you don't want to over exaggerate the thing." She told him. She made her way back to her desk and began typing down. Ivanna and Justin were both off doing some color coding and construction to the game. They seemed to get along though she could sometimes here them argue over stupid things about what looks best for the game.

Erich looked up at her and she typed her face focused and deluded of any emotion, she was hard to read. Y/n had been constantly followed by reporters and cameras since Erich was announced to be on trial, she was getting sucked in to his stunt and it was taking every nerve in her to stop herself from ending Erich then and there. "We should take a break." Erich said, looking at her suggestively.

It was like he coding keep his worm still, and the constant winks and smirks he threw at her were annoying including the deluded comments. "If you think I'm just going to hop on your stick , you're wrong, get a life Erich and learn to think with your head instead of your dick." She scoffed and looked away from him.

Erich forgot how far of an age gap there was between the two, her just being twenty-two and him on the verge of twenty-seven in just a course of weeks. It was a five year age gap, he hadn't thought much of it until now. "You're pretty bold today." He scoffed.

"What do you want Erich? I'm trying to get this game completed, the dead line is by next February." She said looking to him with narrowed eyes. "If your that damn horny just jack yourself off, because I'm not going to do it for you." She spat and returned her focus back to her computer.

Erich was taken back by her sudden bluntness and cold demeanor, y/n was normally down to mess around, and it wasn't just Erich who noticed the change, it was James too. James knew of y/n's deep past, he was the one who got her out of it, he'd do anything for her, she was like his second child but even he saw the quick change in how she was, no one else seen it because it was so small but only those who knew her or had the mind like her could see it.

"When did you turn into such a bitch?" He  asked with annoyance. She looked at him but turned away.

"Just shut the hell up Erich, I don't have time for your shit today." She rasped at him. He rolled his eyes but stood up. Y/n was currently trying to get ahead of this project, they were so far behind in everything and with what's been going on right now hasn't been helping either.

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