Chapter 13: arrest

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Y/n was currently in Erich's huge condo he had invited her over to do some coding there instead of at 'GATGS'. Of course she wasn't totally appealed to the idea with so many reasons that Erich could have downloading chip in his computer that could download all her files some how, something like a virus. But this is why she brought her own computer coder.

They were in Erich's lounging room and Erich was sat at the other end of the couch as she sat across from him. "The game could be in a city and have like urban areas with it" he explains. She nods and types it down.

"We could change the zombies up a bit, instead of having them just hungry creatures we can make them be unexposable to the sun" she says nodding. "That's actually pretty cool" Erich replies, she snorts and shakes her head. "Of course it is, this is what I do for a living" she says rolling her eyes.

"No need to be a bitch" he scoffs at her. "It's not being a "bitch" if I'm stating the truth" she tells him blankly. As she's typing he watches her, the question Erich's wondered for years emerges from his head. "How'd you do it?" He asks her seriously.

"What do you mean?" She asks looking up from the computer. "How do you become a better tech, how'd you get so much luck, at just the age of eighteen?" He asks her.

"I took an interest at the age of thirteen, that's how, I began studying it in my free time and then by high school I took class courses for it and then got into college early." She shrugs summing it all up. Erich let out a hint of amusement. She impressed him, that was the truth but it still didn't change his hate for her.

"When'd you lose your virginity!" He asks changing the topic. She stops typing and rolls her eye while looking to him. "When did you lose yours?" She asks back.

"I asked first" Erich urges. She rolls her eyes and thinks. "I lost my virginity at the age of nineteen to this guy I had chemist with in college, he threw frat parties and was hot as fuck" she says looking to him. "No you go" she tells him.

"I lost it when I was twenty-one, this girl I went to college with was coming onto me while we were doing a project so I let her have her way" he shrugs.

"Why'd you hate Cindy?" He asks her. She looks to him and shrugs. "Doesn't matter anymore does it?" She says looking to him and back to the screen screen. "Guess not" he replies.

Y/n and Erich work on the project most of the night and Erich ends up letting her stay in a spare room since he didn't want to call his driver to pick her up. Y/n lay in the spare room looking at the ceiling as she lay undressed in the cool sheets of the room. She felt she needed a shower to ease her sore body. A mental ache she felt it had. As she was laying in the bed she could hear Erich pass by the room she was in.

Her mind wandered what he could possibly be doing this late in the night. She says up not feeling any need for sleep and made her way out of the room. As she walked to sit out on the huge balcony she had, she felt the cool breeze waft through her legs. "Can't sleep?" The startling voice of Erich asks.

"Shit!" She gasps. "Hasn't anyone ever told you not to sneak up someone, I could have killed your or something." She says glaring at him.

"I somehow find that even if you tried, you wouldn't have the strength to." He smirks at her. Oh how he was wrong, so many logical ways wafted in her mind.

"Believe what you want." She shrugs at him. She felt Erich move closer to her as his hands landed on her hips. She almost forgot she was unclothed in only her underwear until Erich's cold hands shocked her.

This constant sex and hate was getting annoying but she liked it, angry sex is what she thought it was. She felt his breath on her neck sending shivers down her spine causing her to arch her back into him. "Desperate for me already?" He asks in her ear.

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