Chapter 9: show up

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Okay so the time and murders for the show murder in the first are spaced out to make this story work. Just letting you know. Updates will be slow since I'm still trying to finish another story. Also Cindy isn't dead..yet.

-playdate- Melanie Martinez

Y/n walked out of her house and the cool fall breeze smacked her face leaving warm stings on her face causing it to redden from the cold. She always loved the fall and the spring, she didn't like cold unbearable weather and she didn't like the hot and sticky sweat that coated skins in the summer. The only thing great about winter and summer was the snow, and parties that were held in the summer along with the events.

She would sometimes travel out of state and into Colorado in a town in the south there where she had a cabin and would bring her mom with her. Her mom was her hidden secret, her mom didn't want the publicity and so she kept away most of the time only ever getting to see her daughter once a year or not at all.

She hadn't spoken to Erich since their hookup and she didn't see no problem in it either, that's all he was a hookup, he was simply a good fuck so when they would be meeting today to start the startup of their game and begin preparations she would keep it the same as before.

Erich on the other hand wasn't done yet, he wanted to use her as a pleasurable puppet like he did Cindy and Ivanna and every other girl he crossed paths with. He was still in the game and he wanted her to beg and fall for him hard, so he could dump her straight on her ass. Only she was still playing the game as well taking her time and slowly easing in, she would win when the day came and Erich actually needed and wanted her help begging for her to help him with whatever fucked up problems he was going through, the added bonus was getting him to fall hard for her so she could simply rip his love stricken greedy heart out.

So there they both sat in separate buildings thinking of how to bring the other down so they could win the game.

"Mister Blunt, you car is ready to head to 'GATGS'" one of Erich's coder says. He looked up and got up followed by David.

He hopped in the car and David behind him. "Isn't Ivanna coming?" David asks him.

"She wants to finish coding said she'd come next time" Erich says waving him off. Erich's eyes trail out the window as he sits there bored. He wondered what y/n decided to wear today.

As the minutes and excruciating silence came to end, Erich hopped out of the car and made his way into 'GATGS'. He could see news reporters outside for questioning of her new game release. It is number one on the board. "Hurry up Erich, you don't need any press slowing you down" David says ushering Erich.

Erich walks up to the main desk and smirks at the woman who has a grim and tight lipped look on her face. "I'm here for a meeting with y/n l/n" Erich smirks. The woman glares at him before typing on her computer looking at the follow up meetings y/n had scheduled today.

"Take them two up to Miss. l/n's office" she says to the security guard. Erich smirks and looks at the woman's desk before looking to her. "Bye sally" he scoffs at the name and follows the guards.

"Does she always have you two watching the place?" Erich asks them gesturing to y/n. They look at Erich with no expression and turn back facing the elevator door. A woman follows after them and pushes her finger print to the scanner. Erich scoffs at the seriousness of the guards. He crosses his arms as they go floor after floor to the top.

Y/n was in her office looking through emails and deleting ones permanently that weren't important to her. She came across one that made her eyes narrow and fury of hatred erupt in the pit of her stomach. sent you an email.

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