Chapter 3: you don't know anything

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Y/n sat up in bed groggy and a little sore from the night before. She had a sex craved night with one of her flings. It wasn't all the time she slept with someone only on her loneliest nights. She didn't want a relationship though, she'd rather feel lonely than committed. You could call her a slut but she didn't think so, in fact she had been sleeping with Timothy for almost a year now and no feelings had developed either it was simply just an attraction and she wasn't sleeping with any other guys.

She wasn't a sensitive person either, she was a bitch at times and never took anything serious with her sarcastic comments and attitude.

She looks at the time on her phone and sees she has a text on today's schedule that need to be done. She groans and sighs thinking she should have just called off for the day and reschedule Erich blunts meeting. She strongly despised and disliked Erich, he got under her skin but she never let it show. It was the way he tried to make her look stupid and embarrass herself. But she was smarter than Erich, after all she had to be to be able to get away with some of the things she did in her past.

Meanwhile ....

Erich on the other hand was up and dressed for the day typing up coding for his virtual game. He didn't want to have to share his game with her. But here he was soon on his way to the meeting to sign paper agreements. There was one thing about her though that didn't piss him off. Her body. He wanted to slam her against a wall and fuck her. And he wouldn't hide the fact that he wanted her either.

Erich didn't try to be subtle towards women he wanted, there's been times he's creeped women out too, but that didn't stop him from trying to get what he wanted, after all this was his game. But he knew y/n wasn't an easy task like the others, she was smart and she knew how to play the card of his games.

"Erich don't forget your meeting at two with miss. L/n and don't edge her on Erich, she already hates you as it is" David sighs. "I don't see how you did it, the one female you had to make hate you"

"Plenty of women hate me, but that didn't stop them from jumping on me" Erich says shrugging. "Just behave" David says sternly. Erich waves him off and stands looking at the time and heading off with David to 'GATGS' followed by Ivanna.

The ride is filled with silence and light music playing on the radio. David is seated at the front while Erich and Ivanna send suggestive looks at one another through out the ride. "We're here" the man says.

Paparazzi stood outside the building and they watched as y/n was greeted by many of them asking about her game as she tried to get into her building. "Looks like someone is blocked with press" Ivanna smirks. They stepped out of the car and listened.

"Miss. L/n what can you tell us about the game?" One of the reporters asks.

"Well I can't really say much on the subject but the date of the release is do next month on October the twenty third" she says. "Their will soon be a small video release on the game" she says trying to turn away.

"Are you planning on making another game?"
"And what do you have to say on Erich blunts new virtual experience?"

There was so many questions being thrown at her she didn't even have the chance to respond anymore. Erich and the others watched from a small distance as her security guards intervened and pushed back the press and paparazzi. "Move it!, clear out we don't want to have to cause any problems" one of the guards says.

Cameras flash as y/n turns away and is covered by guards from the press view and is taken into her building. Before the press could spot Erich they quickly took cover and made their way to the glass doors of the building. "Well if it isn't Miss hot shot" David jokes lightly upon seeing y/n talking with a guard. She looks up and smiles lightly.

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