Chapter 7: Erich blunt

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Playlist -better-Khalid

Y/n walked in 'GATGS' and went through the normal security with a password, finger print, and lastly identification card. It was such a hassle but she did whatever she had to do to keep her business. Erich Maxwell blunt was the exact definition and reason for these kind of things, she knew he stole that one dumb asses coding and Erich knew it too. But he had in fact did Great things with it.

Erich had a plan though, he would find a way to get out of her contract not knowing she already looked and made sure that every escape route there was closed down. Erich underestimated her and she was happy to prove that big headed dick he was wrong. Pressing the elevator button she made her way to the tech room to begin. The building was empty except for the security guards who got their every morning at seven-thirty.

She didn't really need security guards because of the high tech she had to keep the building under surveillance but they were good to have around to get rid of people she didn't want entering her building. People always wondered what was the average pay for her workers and truth was it was well over eighty-five thousand a year but for very valuable workers it was one-hundred and twenty thousand.

As she was typing away on her computer organizing files that needed to be looked through by her main assistant and also needed to be resorted. As the times passed the place started to get full and busy with workers who said quick 'hellos' before starting their day with coffee from the coffee and breakfast station.

"Misses L/n it's good to see you back today, I sorted through your files like you asked and also, you have a scheduled meeting with Erich blunt later in this evening at four." the girl said. She had fired that other girl Jess and finally manage to find someone who was willing to their job right.

"Thank you ameil, I sent you some more files to go through, once your done you can take the day off." y/n tells her typing away. The girl smiles gratefully before scurrying out to the second floor to begin. Y/n sighs and looks at the time. She didn't really have to be here today, but she knew if she wasn't people would start to get careless and think they can't get their work done and she wouldn't have that in her business.

She grabbed the remote beside her desk and turns the music louder and relaxed with ease and finishes adding new updates to some of her games. She fixed a bug in her just recently release game 'dark shadows' which sold billions of dollars. It's been the talk at schools and YouTube and on the news. She wasn't the elate surprised. Their was in fact a game room here at 'GATGS' so all testing of new games could be made approved.

Which basically they had a bunch of teens try the first five minutes of the game and see if they enjoyed and liked it, if so the game was continued and scheduled for meeting, release, filing and all that shit.

"Miss. L/n sorry to interrupt but there's two people here to see you" ameil says tentatively. Ameil wore glasses and had straight black hair and a narrowed nose. She was actually your average cute nerdy looking girl, she was just happy to have this position and maybe move up to being a coder. "Okay, thank you. Let them know I'll be down." y/n smiles thinly.

She quickly called Justin to take over so she could leave and went down the second floor. There she saw two people a pale white woman and dark skinned man both dressed in a opened vest. The woman had blonde hair and thinned lips with a squared jaw while the man had a sharp chin and squared narrowed jaw.
"Y/n l/n?" The woman asks.

"Yes, I'm sorry who are you two?" Y/n asks confused as to why they are. "I'm inspector Mulligan and this is inspector English." she says with arms crossed.

"Pleasure, but-" y/n pauses staring them both down for a second. "-why are you here exactly?" She asks.

"Do you know Erich Maxwell blunt?" They ask her. "I'm sorry who's asking and why?" She says already over this whole thing.

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