Chapter 12: coding you

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Y/n was wide awake right now, she hadn't heard anything else since James told her that the inspectors wanted to to speak to her. Today she'd start working with Erich on the game and they'd start on coding and programming. She walked through the briskly walking people who were late for work or were just walking to get somewhere.

As she was making her way to get some lunch someone had bumped into her causing her to spill coffee all over her shirt. She looked at the person to see a random guy had done. "Get the fuck out of my face" she growled lowly. The dude looked wide eyes at her and nodded leaving. She walked into the pizza parlor and walked tot he front. "I placed an order under the name L/n" she says to the man.

The man did a double take and smiled. "Okay, I'll get your order for you" he walked off and y/n looked around at the place that was filled with hungry customers. The man came back and looked at her. "The pizza is on us" he said to her. She smiled a thank you and made note to donate a thousand dollars to them.

She then made her way back to 'GATGS' where Erich would be waiting.

Erich was currently just looking around at the place. Y/n had gave him a card granting him access to anywhere but her office. He walked around the place until he got bored and just sat at her desk on the fifth floor and waited there. Not too long after did he see her walking in. He jumped up with a smirk. "Well you look comfortable" he said eyeing her sweats and jacket.

"Fuck off blunt, I'm not in the mood" she scoffed and sat down. Erich chuckles and sat down opposite of her and took a slice of pizza. "So, when do we start?" He asked.

"When I feel like it, we'll head up to my office and begin the first steps and do the coding and programming for the game" she said. "We need to create a code to make it work though, we can't just use any code" she explains to him.

"Well I could have told you that, any smart person could have" he scoffs. Y/n looks at him with a roll of her eyes. "Really then it seems you lack the brain to be counted as a "smart person"" she scoffs at him.

Erich takes another slice of her pizza as she stands and walk with her to her office. When they get up to the top floor they step in and she strides over to her desk. "We'll need to do some physics to find a code and then we can start" she said to him. She grabbed out some sheets of paper and began working as Erich helped her as well.

The only thing that could be heard in there was the music playing lightly and the scribbling of paper. "Got it" she says to him. Erich looks at her paper and nods. "Okay, then we can start the first coding and programming block, that will be the main support of the game" Erich adds in. Y/n Hums in agreement. Erich is towered over her as she codes the first program, he's watching everything she did and type. "Hold on, you missed a code" Erich says moving her hands away from the board and typing it in.

This continues for over an hour of them coding in the first part of it. "Okay so now we have to talk about the works of the game, so far all I know is it's an interactive zombie game, then what?" She asks him.

"The whole plot of the game is to find a cure, the woman or man depending which avatar you choose, come across many obstacles, being chased by zombies, survivors, and then he'll find that huge beast like thin to kill" Erich explains. He drones on for awhile, while t/n writes down all the descriptions of the game.

"This is going to take a lot of time and coding, well have to draw out the characters the buildings the scenes and everything" she explains to him. "We'll start first on getting someone to draw out the character and scenes of the game" she tells him.

"Why?" He asks with a scoff. "Because Erich, this isn't some virtual reality, this didn't some shit experience that only last a few minutes until your bored" she tells him. Erich scoffs at her. "Do you really want to play that game?" He scoffs at her.

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