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Emma's POV

Wow. Just-wow. My own boyfriend thinks that I would have sex with someone within a week of dating them. I'm not even mad about him starting world war 3 on the basketball court, I'm mad about what he said and really thinks of me. That's whats hurting for than anything.

I stormed out of the gym. I walked as fast as I could in these heels to my car and as soon as I got in the tears just fell. I started the car and sped out of the parking lot. I got out my phone and called Amber,

"Hello?" she answered.

"Am" I said through my tears.

"Em! What's wrong!" she said sounding worried.

"Justin thinks I had sex with Steven from four years ago and he practically called me a slut" I sobbed.

"Awh babe. Do you want to come over here?" she asked.

"Yeah I'll be there soon." I said. As I was driving I saw flashing blue and red lights behind me,

"Fuck. I'm being pulled over. I'll be over soon" I said and hung up the phone. I pulled over on the side of the road and rolled my window down. The police officer walked up,

"Hi officer" I said. It was a woman cop, and women cops are always nice,

"Do you know why I pulled you over" she asked. I just shook my head.

"Talking on the phone while driving, and going ten over the speed limit." she explained. I just took out my license and registration without being asked. I handed it to her sniffling,

"Are you okay?" she asked. I just nodded my head quickly and wiped a fallen tear.

"Are you sure?" she asked more sympathetically. I was kind of taken back by the fact a cop was asking me this while I'm pulled over for breaking the traffic laws. I just shook my head no this time,

"Bad night?" she asked.

"Yeah you could say that" I lightly chuckled.

"Boy problems?" she asked. I just nodded.

"Alright. I've had my share of boy troubles and I know how your feeling, so I'm going to let this slide tonight. But if it happens again you'll get a ticket." she said handing me my license and registration back.

"Thank you so much" I smiled. She smiled back and I rolled up my window and proceeded to drive to Ambers. Well at least some luck came to me tonight.

I pulled up to Ambers house and got out of the car and walked right in,

"In the kitchen!" I heard Amber yell. I walked into the kitchen and she was putting an ice pack on Andrews jaw where he had been punched.

"Awh Em don't cry" Amber said walking over and giving me a hug.

"He think's I'm a slut Amber" I sobbed into her shoulder.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it" she said pulling out of the hug. I wiped my eye liner and mascara covered cheeks and walked over to the counter and sat on it.

"Why would he even think that?" I asked.

"Steven said that he had sex with you pretty much and that you use to get around and then he called you a slut. That's why Justin punched him." Andrew said, wincing when Amber put the ice on his jaw again.

"He didn't have to go and start a fight though. Why would he even believe what Steven said in the first place?" I asked.

"Any guy who hears another guy call his girlfriend a slut is going to do something about it. Hell if anyone called Amber a slut to my face I'd drop kick the guy right then and there. Listen, Justin is a good guy. He cares about you more than anything in this whole entire world. Your his first girlfriend, first love. If anyone talks bad about you to him I'm sure he's always going to defend you. That guy loves you and he only did it because he was mad. I'm sure he didn't mean to call you a slut. When your mad some things just slip out in the wrong way." Andrew said.

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