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Justin's POV

The class ended and I packed my stuff up and walked out of the room. I still felt sick, totally worth it though. I put my hood up and my hands into my sweats pockets, making my way to Emma's locker as I do everyday.

She was at her locker putting books in. I walked over to her and grabbed the dry erase pen and started writing on her board that was stuck to the inside of her locker door.

"Well hello to you too boyfriend, thank you so much for that kiss and hug before you went to vandalize my locker." she said sarcastically.

"Hi babe" I said grabbing her hips and pulling her close to me. She laughed and gave me a kiss.

"hi" she said quietly before giving me a quick kiss and turning back to her locker.

"I love you too" she said. I was confused at first but then remembered I wrote 'I love you' on her dry erase board.

"So, are you going shopping for your dress today with my mom?" I asked grabbing her hand as we started walking to our next class.

"Yep! Todays your first day of basketball tryouts right?" she asked swinging our arms.

"Yes" I groaned.

"you don't sound too excited..."

"No I am, it's just Andrew said I'd be on varsity because he's captain and he'll out in a good word for me for the position I want to play." I said.

"And thats bad because..." she said.

"I'm a shooting guard," I started "and so is Hunter" I said looking down at her. She just shook her head and put her palm on her forehead.

"And he's all worried I'm going to take his spot." I finished.

"Good, take it." she said seriously.

"I'm gonna try." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Hunter's a bitch, your better than him. I've seen you play, and I've seen him play. You'll do just fine." She said grabbing onto my arm.

"Shit." I whispered.

"What?" she said stopping and looking up at me.

"I forgot my bag with my stuff for tryouts in my room." I said.

"Here I'm off this hour, so how about I run to your house and get it and bring it back here for you." she said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yep! Give me your house key" she said holding out her hand. I dug in my pocket and pulled out the key.

"Alright, I'll be back." she said leaning up and giving me a kiss.

"Thanks babe" I mumbled on her lips. She smiled and started walking out to her car. Thank god for off hours and Shady Grove being an open campus so that we can leave whenever we want.

Emma's POV

I walked out to my car, putting my hood up seeing that it was slightly raining yet again. I feel like I'm in Seattle, all the rain. Oh like in twilight! Anywho, I'm getting off track here.

I drove to Justin's house and parked in the driveway, seeing Pattie's car as well.

"Pattie?" I yelled as I walked into the house.

"Emma! Sweetie what are yo doing here?" she asked giving me a hug.

"Justin has basketball tryouts today and he forgot his bag here, and I'm on an off hour so I told him I'd come get it!" I said.

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