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Emma's POV.

School went by fast today, I saw Justin in between all my classes, he walked me to all of them and gave me a kiss before I went into the rooms, it's like an all new Justin but still the same shy boy with the cute glasses. He was going to come over to my house today to work on our math packet, which we most likely won't end up working on. I went to my locker to get my things when I saw Justin leaning against it. I automatically smiled,

"hi beautiful." he said, and cue the blush.

"hi handsome" I replied causing him to blush.

"so, your house?" he asked.

"yessir!" I exclaimed. He laughed and reached for my hand as a closed my locker. I gladly took his hand in mine as we walked towards my car. I saw Hunter as we were walking out with Mandy hanging on him like a damn monkey, and he was staring Justin down as if he were going to kill him. I just looked at him and flipped him off. He instantly looked away. Ha, that's right bitch, look away.

"Emma?" Justin said, apparently he had been talking while I was too busy being a badass in my mind.

"yes?" I asked.

"are you going to unlock the car?" he asked with his cute little laugh at the end.

"oh, yeah of course, sorry" I said looking around for my keys. I unlocked the car and we both got in. Chloe had volleyball practice, I didn't thank god, I need a break. So it was just me and Justin in the car today, not that I'm complaining.

"so you know the drill of being in the passenger seat." I looked at him.

He groaned and reached in the backseat for my bag to get my iPod. Kid knows me so well already. He put on This Years Love by David Grey. I love this song. Its a slow love song. I was kinda happy that he picked this song. I reached over and grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together and smiled at me. We stayed silent the whole entire drive just listening to the song. We shared a few glances and smiles and that was it. It wasn't awkward or anything. That's one thing I love about him, it's never awkward with him. Everything just feels right.

Justin's POV

We kept driving and listening to This Years Love in silence. It was nice, not awkward, everything just felt nice. We held hands the whole entire drive as well. Her hand fit perfectly into mine and I still feel the sparks when we touch. We pulled up to her house and got out of the car.

"come on Bieber." she said as we walked into her house. We went up to her room and she did her regular fall onto the bed dramatically because she felt like death. I sat at the end of her bed while she laid there facing me. A piece of hair fell onto her face and I reach out and tucked it behind her ear. She smiled and mouthed 'thank you' to me and I just smiled.

She got up and scooted back so that she was sitting against the headboard of her bed. She patted the spot next to her wanting me to go sit next to her. but course, the nerves came back. I mean i'm sitting in the house, in the room, on the bed, of the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on.

"come sit, I'm not going to bite" she said. I got up and sat next to her. She leaned her head on my shoulder and turned on her TV.

"Want to watch a movie?" she asked like a little child would. I looked down at her to see that she was looking up at me, our faces inches apart. I of course took the opportunity and kissed the tip of her nose,

"sure" I said, and she gave me a quick kiss before turning her head back towards the tv and resting it on my shoulder.

"hmmm, what shall we watch..." she said while going through the channels.

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