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Emma's POV

I was walking to my math class, I always like to be kinda early to that class. Yeah I like math, sue me. I may be popular, but I do get all A's and B's. Math happens to be my favorite subject. No one knows that though. So shhhh. I walked into the classroom, noticing that there was only one other person in here. Justin was sitting over by the window staring out into the beauty of fall. I don't blame him, it is calming to look at.

I stood there for a second, deciding where I wanted to sit. Seeing Justin looking out the window made me want to sit over there just so I can look out too. I started walking over there and noticed Justin as he snapped his head towards me and looked at me almost with a scared, nervous expression on his face. Awh he's nervous, thats cute. Wait, whaaaahhhttt? What is wrong with me today, I have never noticed Justin, and now I'm suddenly thinking how cute he is and not to forget my thought about how his butt was cute. I know that he is shy, which I find absolutely adorable. I've noticed him stare at me in class a few times, I don't mind it. I in a way find it as a compliment, unless he stares at me in disgust or something like that. Oh god that would be sad. I guess.

I took the desk right in front of him and set my bag on the desk. I heard him shifting in his seat behind me knowing that I made him nervous. That made me slightly smile. I'm gonna let you in on a secret. I've always thought nerd guys were kinda cute. The glasses are actually sexy. And I find myself to be kinda an "under cover" nerd. I love math, I've already done the next couple of week's homework, I wear glasses, only when I'm at home though. If I ever wore my thick glasses to school I would hurt my reputation. My mother calls them my 'smarticles' because I say they make me look extra smart! I act like a crazy wild child at home with Chloe, for example our singing and dancing in the car. I'm a different person at school than I am at home. But I am not the stuck up popular barbie bitch that you usually see in movies. I don't pick on anyone, I try to be nice to everyone. Thats's just how my parents raised me. Not to take things for granted. I do not take my popularity for granted, at times I wish I wasn't popular. People expect high things from me, which is stressful. People expect me to be perfect, but no one is perfect. Anywho, enough of my rambling on about my life.

Mr. Walt walked in and started talking about a math packet that we have to complete with a parter since it was a long assignment. I actually got excited, I love this kinda stuff. It comes naturally to me and it's easy. Mr.Walt started naming off pairs, while I zoned out staring out the window. My thoughts were broken once I heard me name be called.

"and Justin and Emma."

I got a little excited when I heard him say I'm paired with Justin. Now I can get to know him and figure him out. He's cute, and i've noticed that he doesn't have many friends, hell I've never seen him with friends. I'm not a bad person, I'm kinda hoping I can be his friend. It would give me the chance to have a friend that doesn't let their popularity go to their head. I have Amber, she is like me, kinda a nerd when it comes to some classes, and she dances like a freak and sings with me and we make up stupid silly words in funny voices when we are at each others house. She knows everything about me, even my little secret of thinking nerd guys are kinda sexy hahahah.

"Alright, well, I have nothing more to as to you, so I guess get in your pairs and start your packet." Mr.Walt said as he sat down at his desk in the front of the room. I slowly turned around and looked at Justin. He looked like he was going to faint. Is he scared of me? Did I do something to make him mad? Oh god, listen to me! I've never talked to him. I don't know what I'm feeling right now, I mean I'm kinda nervous? What the freakin hell.

"Hi Justin" I said happily.

"H-hi Emma." he said without looking at me.

"Soooo, this math thing is pretty damn long..." I said, attempting to start a conversation.

"y-yeah, I c-can do it, d-don't worry, i-ill do it all." he said. What is this kid talking about? I'm not going to let him do this by himself, that's just not fair, I want to do some. Ah ha, see there's part of my nerdy ness coming out.

"What? I can do half, and you can do half. I wouldn't want you, no I wouldn't let you do this whole thing by yourself Justin, I'm not that bitchy." I said with a giggle at the end, earning a slight smile from him. His smile gave me butterflies, his teeth are perfect and his lips, oh my, just look so soft an-alright Emma, enough!

"A-are you sure? i-i know your b-busy with volleyball an-" he started to say until I cut him off,

"Justin, I WANT to do half of this, can I tell you a secret?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"U-hum s-s-sure." he said looking up at me fidgeting around with his pencil. I smiled and started to speak,

"Okay, don't laugh okay?" I asked, and he nodded once and the corners of his mouth very slightly curved up.

"I, Emma Jean Brooks, love math. It is my favorite class ever, and I kinda sorta just maybe have already done the homework for the next few weeks..." I said in a hushed tone looking down. I looked up at Justin and he had a smirk on his face. Oh god, he thinks I'm a loser, what the hell is wrong with me.

"R-really? I would have n-never thought you would be the person to do s-something like that. Not that i-Im saying theres anything wrong with that, I mean I've already done the next weeks homework too and, uhmm, wait i-i didn't mean for that to sound l-like an insult i-" he said so fast that I don't even think I caught half of it. I smiled and cut him off yet again from his nervous rant,

"I don't take it as an insult Justin, its actually kinda nice telling someone that, and its really nice knowing that I'm not the only one who is an over-achiever" I laughed and he giggled along with me. I'm going to make Justin Bieber open up to me, thats all he needs. A friend who won't judge him, a friend he can talk to, and make him not so nervous around girls, totally cute by the way, and that person is going to be me.

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