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Emma's POV

I woke up to the alarm that Amber had set for us. I groaned and looked over at the clock that read 8:30.

"I call shower first!" I said instantly hopping out of bed and running towards the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it, hearing Amber bang on the door. We always fight for who gets the bathroom first since we both tend to take forever.

"Haha Sucker!" I yelled through the door. I turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up. I stepped in and the hot water hit my skin. That is the best way to wake up in the morning. I washed my hair and thought about what I was going to wear to the game, debating on whether I wanted to dress nicely to impress Justin or just to dress comfy like a hoodie and jeans. I stepped out of the shower and into the steam filled rest of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around my hair and body before opening the door into the room.

"Took you long enough." Amber hissed laying on the bed watching tv.

"Sorry!" I said, fake smiling. She rolled her eyes jokingly and went into the bathroom. I put on my pajamas again until I was done with my hair and make up, that way I wouldn't accidentally get make up on whatever outfit I decide to wear. I parted my hair and began to blow dry it. I wanted it to be straight to day so I got out the straightener. Once it was all perfect and the way I wanted it I began to do my make up. I went with a natural look today, not too much foundation but just enough to make my skin tone look even. I applied a little bit of blush and a little eyeliner and some mascara. I went to my bag and looked though everything to see what to wear. I decided on some dark wash skinny jeans and a pair of black peter pan boots, along with a white take top and a black off the shoulder sweater. I looked good in my opinion.

"When Justin see's you, he's going to pop one right then and there." I heard Amber say from behind me.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Yeah!" she said putting the clothes she was going to wear out on the bed. I sat on my bed and waited for Amber to get ready. She wore some skinny jeans as well and black flats with a black and white sweater. Yeah sweaters are apparently 'in' now. Not to mention they are comfy as hell too.

"Ready?" she asked grabbing her bag and phone.

"yep!" I sighed, grabbing my bag with my phone as well. I was nervous beyond belief. We drove to the stadium and it was packed. It took us like ten minutes to find a place to park. We finally found on and made out way to the entrance.

"It will all be okay" Amber said linking arms with me as we walked. She could tell I was nervous. I smiled and looked forward again. We went to the ticket booth and bought our tickets and made our way in. There were people everywhere, teams that were waiting to play and parents.

"Ah this makes me miss volleyball tournaments" Amber said. When we would travel for tournaments they would be exactly like this as well.

"Me too" I replied.

"Alright it's 9:45, which means Shady Grove is on the court probably warming up." Amber said. I nodded as we made our way to the section our tickets said. We stood at the top of section 128. Our schools team was practicing on the court and I immediately saw Justin. He looked so sexy in his uniform and his hair all messy. I hesitated before walking down the steps to the isle our seats were in. We were in the middle so the chance that Justin would see us is pretty low. Which is good, I don't want to distract him.

Justin's POV

We all were on the court warming up. My game was so off. I was barley making any shots that I know I am capable of making. I was tired and my head wasn't in the game.

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