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Emma's POV

Well, I feel bad for anyone who sits in the backseat of my car now! That side of Justin came out of no where, and I totally love it. He was so...sexy. And he's all mine. Mine mine mine mine mine! I smiled to myself, doing a happy dance in my head as I drove off to my house.

"I'm home!" I yelled though out the house, throwing my car keys on the kitchen counter.

"Happy birthday sweetie!" my mom said coming into the kitchen and giving me a hug.

"My princess is growing up so fast" my dad said, pretending to wipe a tear away. I just laughed.

"Alright, you know what your gonna wear?" my mom asked.

"NO! I haven't even thought about it!" I shouted, running up to my room to tear my closet apart.

"What to wear.." I mumbled to myself, throwing things onto my bed at random. I decided on a short cocktail dress, it was strapless and had a black top and a coral colored bottom with a cute belt. Simple yet sexy. I went along with some sparkly black heels for fun. I took a shower and decided to go with extra straight hair.

"Honey Justin's here! Your father and I are going to go to the club and you guys will just meet us there!" I heard my mom yell up. WHAT?! I glanced over at the clock and saw that it was 7:30 already. The fuckkkk?

"Ok he can come up if he wants!" I yelled, standing there in my underwear and strapless bra blow drying my hair in my bathroom. I saw my door open as I looked in the mirror and Justin walk in. He was texting on his phone and stopped walking when he saw me. I turned off the blowdryer and placed it on the counter.

"Hey" I said all excited.

"H-hi" he said looking me up and down. I looked down and realized that I was still in my bra and panties. I blushed,

"Oh lord. Sorry?" I said putting my hand on my forehead.

"N-no it's totally fine." he said walking over to me wrapping his hands around my waist and sliding them down to my butt.

"Your so pervy today" I said pushing his chest back playfully. He was wearing dark dark skinny jeans, black vans, and a black long sleeve button up shirt, except the sleeves were rolled up half way. He had his glasses and his hair was messy, just the way I like it.

"Well, looks like we are going to match tonight" I said walking over to my bed and holding up my dress.

"Copy cat." he said. Really child? Really?

"Oh please." I scoffed while putting on the dress. He watched very intently as I put the dress on.

"Are you almost ready?" he asked impatiently.

"Well excuse me, I still have to put make up on and what not. Calm down mister." I said. He smiled and shook his head. I walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss before going over to my desk to do my make up. He walked over to my bed and laid down, crossing his legs and putting one had behind his head, he was staring at me as I put the make up on,

"You know I still don't get it." he said.

"Get what?" I asked while putting eyeliner on.

"How a guy like me could get a girl like you." he said without looking away. I put the eye pencil down and turned around facing him. I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed next to him. I put my hand on his cheek and he placed his on top of it.

"Everything happens for a reason. And how many times am I going to have to tell you, I'm not like those girls. I should be the one asking how a girl like me could get a guy like you." I said smiling. He smiled back and I leaned down and gave him a soft kiss.

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