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Justin's POV

I, Justin Drew Bieber, just made love to the most amazing girl I have ever met. It was exactly the way I pictured it. Full of passion, and gentleness, love, and lust. It wasn't rough or sloppy. It was perfect and soft. This was the exact way I wanted my first time to be. She is the exact person I wanted m first time to be with.

We laid there in silence just enjoying being close to each other.

"I have an idea" she said, smirking up at me. I smiled and looked down at her.

"Oh really? And what is it." I asked her. She propped herself up on one elbow, resting her chest on mine, her breasts pressed up against me making me shiver.

"Come with me." she said getting up from the bed and holding out her hand. I took her hand and she pulled me up from the bed and led me towards the bathroom.

"What could possibly be in the bathroom." I asked.

"A jacuzzi?" she said in a 'duh' tone. I just laughed. She walked over and turned the water on checking the temperature. The tub filled up and she turned on the jets. She got in and faced me waiting for me to get in. I got in and sat down, leaning my back against the jets. She faced away from me and sat down in between my legs, laying back and resting her back on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her stomach and kissed her shoulder as she placed her hands on top of mine. I told her I love her and she said it back.

"Tonight was perfect." she said smiling.

"I wouldn't have changed a thing" I said back, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Hopefully Amber and Andrew didn't hear anything, we weren't that loud were we?" she asked looking up at me.

"Well maybe you were a little loud..." I teased.

"I was not!" she defended herself.

"I know I'm just playing babe." I said kissing her cheek.

We sat in the jacuzzi for a little while and got out. We dried off and got dressed. I changed into some boxers and basketball shorts and no shirt, and I put on my glasses. I've thought about wearing contacts all the time, but Emma loves my glasses, she says they're sexy, therefore, I wear them. She changed into some short blue soffee shorts and a black cami, and left her hair down, still in curls that had kind of fallen and was messy from me tangling my hands in it. She still had her make up on, full blown and she looked as beautiful as ever. I walked over to her and grabbed her by the waist and spun her around, kissing her, making her laugh.

"I'm tired." she said stretching her arms above her head and yawning.

"Me too" I said throwing myself onto the bed, face first. She climbed into bed and I flipped over so that I was on my back now. She cuddled up next to me and rested her head on my chest again, with my arm around her.

"I wish we would stay here longer. This place is amazing. Even if we just stayed in the hotel room I'd be happy." she mumbled.

"We can." I said. She lifted her head and rested her chin on my chest looking at me confused.

"What do you mean?" she questioned.

"Well, I told your dad where we were staying and he apparently has stayed here and said it was amazing, so he said I should get two nights here, not just one." I explained smiling down at her.

"Really?" she yelled smiling.

"Yep!" I said popping the 'p'.

"Wow, my father suggested to my boyfriend that I should stay an extra night alone in a hotel room with him. He must really like you." she said.

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