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Justin's POV

Here I am, just making out with my insanely beautiful girlfriend, who I just happen to be in love with, IN MY BED. Bed! Things happen in a bed between two people who love each other! Don't judge me, I honestly have no idea what I'm doing! This is a big step for me so ha!

I love the feeling of her soft warm hands rubbing up and down on my stomach, making a shiver run down my spine and goosebumps arise immediately. I had my hand on her bare hip, moving it up every so slowly, and she wasn't stopping me so I guess I can keep going. I felt her playing with the hem of my hoodie. I pulled away from the kiss breathing heavily, I sat up slightly and for some strange reason, I took off my hoodie, leaving me in just my pajama pants.

Emma's eyes scanned my torso making me smile because she was so checking me out. She ran her hands up my body and clasped her fingers around my neck, pulling me down and connecting our lips again. She ran her fingers through my hair making me shiver. I detached my lips from hers and kissed her cheek, to her jaw, and down to her neck and began placing open mouth kisses along her neck. She tilted her head back so that I cold have better access. So many things are running though my mind right now. How far do I go? How far does she want to go? Are we even ready? Just, so many things. But I'm just going to go along with it. She knows I'm inexperienced and I'm pretty sure she would tell me to stop if needed.

I pulled away from her neck and instantly crashed our lips together. I kinda like being in control, if that's what I am doing. She flipped us over so that she was now straddling me without breaking the kiss. I was definitely hard now and I wouldn't be surprised if she felt it as she sat on top of me, but for some reason, I'm not embarrassed about it. She is my girlfriend, she knows how this happens.

I placed my hands on her thighs and ran them up to her hips, rubbing circles on her bare skin with my thumbs. She now went to my neck and started sucking. She moved lower and lower until she was now kissing my collar bone. I felt this pressure in the back of my throat, not know what it was,

"Emma" I moaned out very softly, she must have heard because I felt her smile as she continued to kiss down my neck. My hands were moving higher on her hips and were now under her hoodie on her torso. She pulled away from my neck and sat straight up. She stared at me slightly smiling before reaching for the hem of her hoodie and slowly pulling it over her head, letting her hair fall down onto her shoulders and revealing the black lace bra she was wearing. I just stared and my eyes widened, not sure of how to take in everything my innocent eyes are seeing. She is absolutely beautiful. I reached up and grabbed her torso pulling her back down towards me connecting our lips. The kiss was not sloppy or anything, it was hard but passionate and loving. I pulled away,

"I love you" I whispered, opening my eyes only to see her blue ones staring back.

"I love you too" she said inches away from my face, then connecting our lips again like magnets.

I had one of my hands tangled in her hair, pushing her closer to me if that was even possible. My other hand slowly ran down her back, over her bra clasp, and I stopped when I got to her butt. She does have an amazing but, take my word for it. I made a quick move and flipped us over so that I was back on top, in control again. The flashes of lighting coming in from the window would light up the room, showing Emma's perfect figure as she laid underneath me. Her hands were rested on my lower back, right above the hem of my pants. Our tongues were still fiercely battling for domination as the kiss kept on getting more deep. She ran her hands around to the front of my pants and played with the hem. She pulled away and stared into my eyes, both of us breathing heavily. I nodded my head and smashed my lips back onto hers. I felt her pull the tie of my pajama pants and very slowly push them down. I kicked them off leaving me in only my boxers.

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