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Emma's POV

I woke up only to see Amber's foot in my face. I smacked it away,

"What the fuck bro?" Amber said lifting her head and opening one eye.

"Get your nasty ass foot out of my face." I said pushing her foot even farther.

"Oh get over it." she groaned.

"YOU get over it." I said back. You know those conversations, like 'your lame' 'your mom's lame' yeah those are the kind of conversations we have. I fell back down on my bed dramatically looking at my phone to see if I had any missed calls or texts. I had one from my mom saying they were about to get on the plane to California and that she will call me when they land. I had a text from Justin saying a simple good morning, but he ever so sweetly added 'beautiful' at the end. Yep, here comes the blush. I decided to text him back saying good morning and asking him what time he wants to come over and if he needs a ride. He said he would be over in an hour and that his mom is letting him borrow her car. Yesssssss I don't have to go out of my house, into the sun, where my eyes will burn. Yes, I'm very dramatic when it comes to sleep, call me Vampira.

"Amber, Justin's going to be here in an hour. When is Andrew coming?" I asked shifting my body towards her still tangled up in my bed sheets.

"He's on his way now, so in like 5 minutes." she said burrying her head in her pillow. We don't like getting ready in the morning obviously, nor do we care if our boyfriends see us with our hair on top of our head and make up all messed up and in sweats and tee shirts.

I heard a knock at my front door, probably Andrew. I went down and opened the door, yep Andrew.

"She's upstairs refusing to come out of bed." I said walking up the stairs with him following me. Andrew is like a brother to me, he was one of many to tell me Hunter was cheating on me, I should have believed him. I tell him everything, and he is nice to Justin which is a very good thing. They seemed to hit it off at the game last night, acting like they have been 'bro's' for years. God help them. I walked into my room and pointed at Amber showing Andrew where she was. He went over to her and sat on top of her back,

"Get off me you bitch" hahah she thinks it me, how nieve of her.

"I don't think that's a very nice thing to call your boyfriend." Andrew said sounding like he's talking to a five year old.

"Oh even worse, just kidding, hi baby" Amber said finally pulling her head out from the covers to give him a kiss.

"Alrighty, while you two have your morning kisses I'm going to go eat some cherrio's mmkay?" I asked, not really caring what their response is.

"Oh and keep it PG-13 up here, I don't want to be hearing anything, especially if it's in my room alright?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Alright! Now leave!" Amber yelled throwing a pillow at the door.

"How rude!" I said making my way to the stairs.

I made my way to the kitchen,

"hmmm pancakes sounds so much better than cereal" I said, talking to myself. I grabbed my iPod from my purse and plugged it into the speakers in the kitchen and played Superbass by Nicki Minaj. I was mixing the batter and dancing swaying my hips back and forth until I heard a voice behind me,

"You know, your making a real fool out of yourself" Amber said standing in the door way, making me spin around almost slipping on the floor because of my socks.

"It's just you, why would I care if you see." I said back,

"Look behind me stupid." she said moving to the side.

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