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Emma's POV

Justin and I walked out to my car, maybe he can drive, I'm tired of driving today. I had to take Chloe everywhere so that she could get the perfect bra which isn't even that amazing from Victoria's Secret.

"Hey Justin, do you wanna drive?" I asked tossing him my keys.

"What? A-are you sure?" he asked sounding scared.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"This is like a $80,000 dollar car, I've never driven this nice of a car." he said in shock.

"Well there's a first time for everything right?" I said with a smile and got in the passenger seat.

He got in and pulled out of the drive way. I must say, he looks pretty sexy while driving my car, note to self, let Justin drive from now on. Haha. I told him the directions to the stadium and we blasted some music as always. Tonight is gonna be good, I can feel it.

Justin's POV

I'm surprised Emma let me drive her car, this thing I worth more than every single thing combined in my house. We were driving along, listening to music. I looked over at her and she was looking out the window with her feet p on the dashboard, singing to How To Love. She looked happy like she was in her own little world. I smiled at that thought as we finally pulled into the stadium. Everyone around us was all painted up and drunk for the game, oh I can tell already that tonight is going to be interesting.

I parked the car and got out, running over to Emma's side and opening her door for her.

"Why thank you dear." she said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Of course darling." I said as she giggled.

We walked into the stadium hand in hand. The floors were vibrating from all the excitement of the fans. We made our way up to the box suite sections and found the room we all would be in. She took out a key and unlocked the door, opening it to reveal amber, her boyfriend, Chloe, and her friend I'm assuming. They all waved and we said our 'hey's'. Andrew, Amber's boyfriend, also known as hunter's best friend, gave me a fist bump which surprised me. He never really bullied me like Hunter did, he would always just kinda stand there watching. I looked over and saw they Emma was right, there was a huge food selection and a full bar filled with numerous kinds of drinks.

"I'm gonna go get something to drink" Emma said walking over to the bar. She looked like she was mixing things together. I just stood there and talked to Amber.

"So Justin, you know Prom is coming up in two months right?" she asked, trying to hint something to me. I was going to say something back until I heard Emma.

"Justin come here!" She yelled. I walked over to her and she turned to me holding a cup handing it to me,

"Your welcome" she said giving me the cup, I was confused

"not to sound rude or anything but what am I thanking you for?" I asked trying not to sound mean or snotty or anything.

"Take a sip and you'll see." she said. I slowly took a sip and tasted something lime and fruity that burned in the back of my throat as I swallowed.

"Oh, babe, what on earth is that?" I asked, scrunching my face up.

"Gin and Tonic." she said pouring herself a cup.

"It's extremely strong" I told her. Maybe I only thought it was strong because this is the first time I've ever tasted any kind of alcohol.

"you'll get use to it, just drink it slowly." she said while putting her hand on my arm. She dragged me over to the seats that were in the front of the room in a lower area than the actual suit and we sat down. The others were up eating food still, so it was just Emma and I.

"Thanks for bringing me tonight." I said looking over at her.

"Of course! I expect you to come to many more with me." she smiling then taking a sip of her drink. She turned towards the field as the game was starting. Dang, we can see the whole field perfectly from this level. I am definitely taking Emma up on her offering me to come to more games. I took the opportunity and put my arm around her. I'm not nervous to do that anymore. If the time is right tonight, I think I might just ask her to be my girlfriend. I feel like I'm ready and I think she has been waiting for me to.

"Oh Justin look! Tom Brady!" Emma yelled and pointed and bit her lip, oh good god. She's seen this guy so many times and yet she is all excited. Maybe the drink is kicking in.

"Uh Huh, I see him." I said looking down at her. She looked up at me and kissed me hard, but not rough or anything like that. I kissed back as her arms went around my neck. She pulled away and rested her head on my shoulder, still with her arms around my neck. I rested my head on hers and watched the game.

It was now the fourth quarter and the Patriots were winning, of course. Everyone was standing up and cheering and loosing their minds, I have no idea why though, I'm not a big sports guy.

Emma stood up and was clapping. I guess the Gin and Tonic has worn off. During half time she was telling me all about why we are at the game and how her dad owns the team, and every other random thing she could think of, such as the purple kangaroo...i didn't even ask. She kept kissing my cheek and blowing raspberries on them. I did't finish my whole drink, but I drank enough to make me feel a tiny bit dizzy.

I stood up next to Emma and put my hand on her lower back, making her turn and look at me. She leaned into my side and turned back to the game. On the big screen in the front of the stadium, the cameras were going around showing crazy fans. We re laughing at some guy who was dancing with no shirt on, until we saw ourselves come up on the screen.

"Hey they look like us- oh! Justin! We're on the screen!" she said jumping and pointing. I waved and turned her to face me and gave her a kiss right on the lips and she immediately kissed back putting her hands around my neck. I squeezed her waist pulling her closer. She traced my bottom lip asking for permission, and I slightly opened my mouth. For this being only the second time I've ever made out with a girl, I feel like I'm getting the hang of it! I pulled away and heard awh's through out the whole stadium,

"Emma Jean Brooks, will you please be my girlfriend?" I asked putting my forehead on hers.

"It's about damn time you asked." she said smiling and giving me a kiss. I picked her up and spun her around just like I did when she won her game. Thank you Nicholas Sparks for giving me a somewhat sense of romantic scenarios.

This Years LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon