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Emma's POV

I didn't want this weekend to end, I didn't want to go back to school, I wanted to stay here with Justin forever. It was amazing, this weekend. Apparently I was crowned prom queen but I wasn't even there to get the crown, HA justin and I had already come up to the room. Telling him about my past felt good. I'm glad he knows. The only people that know are Amber, Andrew, Chloe, my parents and Ryan. Well and now Justin.

Today we leave the amazing hotel to go back to our lives. Totally sucks. Last night Justin just happened to get lucky. Twice. The kid has turned into a sex addict, just kidding but seriously. I laid in bed, tangled in Justin's arms. He was passed out, mouth open, snoring and everything. Such a boy.

I very carefully got up from the bed, hoping I didn't wake Justin. I tip toed my way to the bathroom,

"Where are you going?" I heard a raspy voice croak out from behind me. I stopped walking and spun around on my heels to face him. He was laying on his side facing me, the covers pulled up to his chin, he looked like a little boy.

"To the bathroom!" I said in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh, well hurry up and come back here, I'm cold." he said. I smiled and turned around into the bathroom.

"Fuck" I quietly hissed to myself. I got the wake up call that every girl hates with a fiery passion, my period. Well, at least we know I'm not pregnant! Good thing I always carry tampons in my bag. I finished that business and washed my hands and went back to Justin, who was back to snoring. He better be prepared for grumpy Emma, my periods are horrible. I get cramps that make me want to cry, in fact I do cry, and I get really emotional. I thought about going on the pill, but I can't because of my medication. I don't know, my doctor said it wouldn't work for some reason. I might get the Mirena thing, it's just too confusing.

I slid into bed and Justin's arm automatically went around my waist, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Hmm hi" he whispered into my neck.

"Well good morning to you too" I said running my fingers through his hair.

"How did you sleep?" he asked.

"I slept great, until I woke up with a call from mother nature." I groaned. He looked up at me confused.

"What?" he questioned. Really Justin? It was required for us to take growing and changing in elementary school. Come on.

"I got my period." I mumbled quietly.

"Ahhh I see." he said nodding his head.

"Mhmm!" I mumbled.

"Well do you need me to go get you anything?" he asked. Awh he's so sweet. he's the kind of boyfriend that has the balls to go into the store and buy his girlfriend tampons and midol and not be embarrassed about it. Adorable right?

"I'm good for right now, but thank you" I said kissing his nose. "But I will warn you, I get very and I mean VERY moody when I'm on my period. And I get emotional for no reason. I'm like a fucking pregnant woman." I explained. He just smiled and giggled.

"How is this a laughing matter?" I questioned.

"It's not, I just think your cute." he said kissing my softly.

"Well thank you." I mumbled again.

"Well, it's 9 o'clock. Check out is at eleven." he said.

"Ughhhhhh" I groaned putting a pillow over my face. Let the moody moments begin.

"What?" Justin asked.

"I don't want to leave!" I said into the pillow.

"I know baby. We'll come back again, I promise." he said rubbing my stomach. That actually feels really nice.

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