Chapter Thirty Three

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"Mom, Father, I'm home."

You were taking slow and steady breaths as Bokuto led you inside.
You set your bag down and took off your shoes.

Bokuto kept your fingers locked together. You didn't know this but he was just as nervous as you were.
His father was the one to ask him to bring you over. After finding out that he had found his soulmate, both his parents were curious.

"Father?" Bokuto said as he walked into the living room. Your heart started to race as you noticed his father slumped on the couch with many beer bottles around him.
You felt Bokuto's grip tighten.

He then backed both of you up and looked to you.
You saw the worry in his face.
"I'm sorry, but you should probably go home..I didn't know he's be drinki-"

"Oh nonsense, she's already here, let's meet her."
Bokuto flinched at the sound of his mother's voice from behind him.

"Hello mom." He smiled.

"So this is her huh? I'm not gonna lie..not what I was expecting.."

You felt an irk mark appear on your forehead. 
The hell does that mean?

"Mom, that's not nice..She's exactly that I expected her to be..perfect and beautiful."

Your heart felt warm at his words and how he sticked up for you. You knew it was probably hard.

"Hmm..Okay sure, dinner will be ready soon."

Bokuto nodded and lead you to the dining room.
Seeing the dining room reminded you when Bokuto and you were doing homework and you confessed that you were his soulmate.

You could feel the tension in the air as his mother stepped away to wake up his father.

"I'm so sorry." Bokuto whispered. "If things get out of hand..I'll take you out of here I promise."

Those words alone didn't feel very reassuring..How bad was this gonna be?

It was only a few minutes when his mother had placed dinner in front of everyone and Bokuto's father was awake and took a seat across from his son.

You eyed the beer in his hand and felt a ping in your stomach.
Is this what he deals with everyday?

"So..You're her huh? The L/n.F/N." His father spoke with a slurred voice.

You nodded. "I'm L/n Y/n..Please to meet you."

His father clicked his tongue at you before taking a long swig of his drink.
Bokuto reached under the table to hold your thigh, he gripped it tight.
You figured that Bokuto took the right side of you for this simple reason, he knew you wouldn't feel his touch on your prosthetic.

Soon his mom came and sat down and gave you a smug look.
They really wanted to meet me that bad? It doesn't look like it...

"So I heard you're a cripple."

"Mom..." Bokuto said.

"How'd it happen." 


You looked over to Bokuto and gave him a reassuring look. "I was in a car accident a few months back..I lost my left leg."

"How far did they cut?" His mother chimed in. This is when you realized that she was also a bit drunk.

"Um..just a few inches above the knee.."

"Let's see." His father said.

"Father!" Bokuto yelled as he knew what his true intention were, you were still wearing your school uniform. You felt your anxiety grow.

"I meant the leg boy!" His father spit back.

You decided to stand up and just show him the part that was showing, then took your seat again.
This time you felt Bokuto grab your thigh but it felt as if he was holding you down now. He was not comfortable.

"You a third year like my son?" His mother asked.

You felt a lump in your throat and tried to swallow it down. "Yes I am."

"And what are you planning to do after?" His father was next to ask.

You shrugged. "I still haven't decided yet..."

His father chuckled and took another drink. "Well just make sure it pays bills because my son here wants to go pro in Volleyball~" 

"What's wrong with that?" You asked with a raised an eyebrow.
You knew how much volleyball meant to Bokuto and you hated the thought of his father not being supportive about it.

"Please, like he can actually make it." His mother chimed in.

You noticed Bokuto's face look down. It made you believe that this isn't the first time he's had this conversation.
You opened your mouth to say something but his father talked before you could.

"What's your parents do?"

You saw Bokuto's head shoot up and looked at you, He shook his head at you as if to tell you that you didn't need to talk about it.
He knew you hated talking about your parents, because you don't talk about them with anyone really. Not him, not your uncle, and not even Suga.

You felt your chest tighten.
"They died in the car accident."

You started to feel yourself grow nervous at what they would say. You also noticed yourself starting to zone out just like back on your first date ever with Bokuto.

"Shame." His mother said as she finally started to eat dinner.

"What did they used to do then?" His father said in a sassy tone.

"Father, be little considerate.." Bokuto hissed.

"Um..I don't really feel like talking about it..I'm sorry." You grabbed onto Kou's hand and held it tight.

"What do you mean? They're dead, get over it. It was just a simple question, man woman and their emotions, they always have to be so dramatic."

You bit the bottom of your lip and held back tears.
You were holding yourself back from smacking Bokuto's father's snarky look.

"Okay! That's it, you guys said you wanted to meet her then you go and get drunk and just talk sgit the whole time. And no she's not being dramatic, she lost her parents! Anyone in their right mind would be sad about that!" Bokuto said as he pulled you up from your seats.

"And where are you going? Let me guess to the rich b***h's Akaashi's?"

"Mother stop." Bokuto said before handing you your shoes.
"At least the Akaashi's treat me like their own son, where I never got an ounce from you guys.." He said as he grabbed your bag and threw it over his shoulder and walked out the door with you in hand.

He was walking faster than you were used to and found it hard to keep up with him. 
"Kou..K..Koutarou..I can't walk this fast..oi!"

Bokuto stopped when he was a few houses away from his.
He turned to you and fell into your arms.
You could hear is heart racing through his chest, but you stood there on the sidewalk, holding him. You wished that this wasn't his home wanted to take him out of it..and you couldn't help but think that maybe this is the reason he's clingy or constantly wanting attention..He never got it from his parents..

Even if that was the real reason for him being this way, you didn't care. You would love him no matter the flaws as he's doing with you.

Yes..Love..that's what you're feeling.

You never would of said yes to meet his parents if it wasn't out of love for Bokuto..You never would of put yourself in such a vulnerable spot.
You loved Bokuto and this was the moment when you finally realized.

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