Chapter Twenty Seven

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Everyone had agreed to attending the party as Kuroo was surprised that you were close with Karasuno's captain and vice captain.

Kenma was hesitant at first but when you told him the whole volleyball team was gonna be there he seemed to be more opt into going.
He said something about seeing Hinata again.

You offered to pay for gas since Akaashi was the one driving all the way to Miyagi but he refused. It frustrated you but you decided on buying everyone some snacks at the gas station as a thank you.

When you arrived to the house that Suga had sent to you, you all exited the car. You suddenly felt weak.
Bokuto noticed this and tapped your shoulder. "Hey? What's up?"

You started to chuckle which grabbed Akaashi's attention since he had never heard you laugh in any sort of way.

"Um..I'm about to walk into this party with two captains of different schools volleyball teams..and not to mention I also know Daichi and Suga..I don't know..feels funny to me?"
(A/N: Gah I thought the idea of this was funny! Can you tell I like the captains ;) )

Bokuto started to laugh. "I mean..Don't let that worry you okay?" He then grabbed our hand a d you lead the way for the boys.

You were looking down at your phone to see where Suga said to meet him but your attention was caught when you heard someone yell your name.
You looked up and saw Nishinoya running for you.

You let go of Bokuto's hand and let Nishinoya bombard your space to hug you. In fact, Hinata wasn't far behind.

Suga had grabbed the collars of the two boys. "Give her some space geez!"

Daichi was right behind him and laughing, his eye widened when he noticed who you came with.
"Ah the captain and setter from Nekoma huh? Nice seeing you guys again."

"You too Daichi." Kuroo smirked.

Suga's mouth dropped. "Oh hey guys, oh and hello Bokuto-san."

Bokuto waved and noticed Suga's eye glance to his friend that was standing just behind himself.
"Oh this is Akaashi, My best friend!"

"Oh please to meet you! I'm Sugawara. Y/n's Best friend." Suga winked to you.

Bokuto was starting to feel a bit uneasy now.

Suga pulled you into a hug. "I'm happy you came, It's good to get out of the house."

"Ya ya." You pulled away. "Hey Daichi." 

"Hey Y/n." He then pulled you into a hug.

Bokuto suddenly remembered what you told him before about Daichi being your first kiss and he suddenly felt the urge to rip you away from his embrace.
Akaashi noticed this.
"Oh stop being jealous." He said bluntly.

Bokuto shot his friend a glare before his attention was taken by more people calling your name.

You waved to the rest of the team and wake dover to give Kiyoko a hug.
Bokuto felt better to see you hugging a girl this time.

"How have you been?" Kiyoko asked.

"Not too bad..wanna meet my soulmate?"

"SOULMATE!" Nishinoya and Tanaka yelled.

You flinched and covered your ears from the sudden shouting.
You the went back to Bokuto and wrapped your hands around his arm.

Kiyoko smiled. "Awe he's just as cute as the pictures Suga showed us." She whispered to you.

You smiled to her.

Suga noticed your smiled and he also smiled to himself. He could see how much you were changing since moving to Tokyo and meeting Bokuto.
He truly believed that Bokuto was bringing the best out in you.

"How about we head in yeah?" Daichi suggested. 

Everyone nodded and you all stepped into the house.
You noticed how pact it was and it made you suddenly feel anxious.
It seemed like all lot of Karasuno was here and some from other schools in the area.

Bokuto continued to hold you close to him but you could tell he also wanted to mingle.
Kuroo was pestering him to play a game of beer pong with him. (But with water! No underange drinking here!)
Bokuto didn't want to leave your side but you insisted that he go have fun. 
Akaashi had offered to stay with you which made Bokuto feel ten times better.

"Where's your friend Sugawara-san?" Akaashi asked.

You shrugged. "I have no idea.."

"Do you need to step outside?" He asked.

"Yeah.." You said as you felt your chest tighten.
It's been a long time since you attended a party.

Akaashi started to walk towards the back door while you wrapped your hands around his arm so you would get split from him. That's the last thing you wanted.

Once outside you let the cool night air fill your lungs and felt yourself calm down a bit.

"Do you want me to get Bokuto?" Akaashi asked you.

You shook your head. "No, let him have fun with his friend..I'll be's just been a while since I went to a party.."

"I've never been so.."

You raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Really, I always bailed when Bokuto went to one."

"You didn't have to come to this one..I'm sorry fo-"

"Don't be sorry L/n-san, I don't mind, Besides, I knew that with Bokuto being with Kuroo, someone needed to be with you."

"You knew he'd go off with him didn't you?"

Akaashi nodded.
You chuckled and smiled to yourself.

Akaashi smiled.
"I can tell Bokuto is making you happy."

You gave him a puzzled look. "Sorry?"

"Not once have I seen you smile or laugh..It makes me happy to know Bokuto makes you happy, I'd have to kick his butt if he didn't."

"Thanks Akaashi..yeah he does make me really happy. Although.."


You shook your head. "I wish he'd kiss me already.."

Akaashi snickered. "Ah yes..Bokuto told me how he hasn't done that yet..He's just nervous L/n"

"Ya ya, I know.." 

Silence fell between the two of you as you stood outside.
You looked up to the sky and smiled.
"Now that's something you don't see in the city."

Akaashi looked up and smiled as well. "There's so many stars...Ready to head back in?"

You looked back down and have him a nod.

Akaashi lead the way and the two of you pushed your way through the door.

You were looking around to find any of your friends or even Bokuto but your breath had stopped when you made eye contact with someone.

You reached down and grabbed ahold of Akaashi's arm and started to sqeeze it tight.

Akaashi looked over to you. "L/n? What's wrong?" He noticed how pale your face got and grew worried.
When he saw who you were staring at he had also lost his breath.
"Let's find Bokuto....L/n?..L/n?"

As much as you wanted to move, as much as you wanted to go and run into Bokuto's arms, you couldn't.
Instead you stood there staring into a pair of eyes you wished never to see again.

"Amika...." You breathed out.

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