Chapter Forty Four

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You and Bokuto were currently on your way to Miyagi at this afternoon hour.
You were in the front seat with your uncle while Bokuto was sitting in the back. The whole car was filled with comfortable silence.

Your uncle asked if you'd like to stop at a flower shop and grab something for them, to which you accepted.
You felt like it was a good thing to do.

As you watched the building turn into trees as the country life slowly came into vision, you started to feel that same pit in your stomach, when any memory of your parents come to you.
As if Bokuto could read your mind, he reached between the seat and the window of your side and placed a hand on your shoulder, doing his best to comfort you.

You reached up to his hand and held it in yours, feeling the warm sensation jolt through you.
It still amazed you that you could still feel that physical electricity every time you both touch. It made you feel relaxed and comfortable.

Your uncle stopped at an old flower shop that you'd remember going to with your dad.
He was always buying her flowers every friday night.
A dozen of roses just for her. 

You remembered the lady behind the counter but she didn't know who you were.
You did just as your father had done and bought a dozen of roses just for your mom, and a single white rose for him.
Bokuto didn't check out with you and your uncle, which you didn't find weird, instead, you payed and left back for the car.
Bokuto paying just shortly after and joined you.

As your uncle drove closer and closer, you felt your vision become blurred.
Not from tears per say but from all the bottled up emotions turning into anxiety.
You gripped the flowers tighter, trying to blink your sight back.

As your uncle parked the car, he turned to you.
"I'll wait here, you two go on ahead, I'll go see them after you guys."

You didn't say a word but nodded.
You turned to open your door, but only to find that Bokuto had beat you to it and held it wide open for you.
Your vision still a bit blurry and your mind wasn't in the right place, you stepped out, not even giving him a thank you.
It's not that you were being rude, It was because no words would come out.

You lead Bokuto towards where your mother and father were, feeling yourself walk slower and slower with each step as you grew closer and closer.
Bokuto noticed this and kept up with your speed, watching you stare off into the distance. He could tell that you were in much pain.

You still held the bouquet of flowers tight as you finally reached the two gravestones.
They were side by side and their names engraved on the stone.
'A loving mother, friend and wife.'
'A loving father, friend, brother and husband.'

You gripped the flowers tighter. You couldn't bring yourself to set them down on the ground, instead you watched Bokuto place two white roses down on each grave.

You blinked a couple of times, not remembering him buying those, or even holding them all the way here.
Your mind, was indeed in another place until now.

Bokuto stood up and offered you a small smile, looking down at the flowers that still sat in your hands.
He placed his own hands around yours and slowly helped you lower the flowers onto the ground.
Giving you a smile as he did so.

You were thankful for his gesture but still no words would come out.

Bokuto could see it in your face that this was very hard for you at the moment.
Instead he took the lead and started to speak.

"Hello Mr and Mrs L/n..I'm Bokuto Koutarou. Or as you might know better, B.K. It's very nice to meet you." He looked over to you to only see you staring at him with tears now filling your eyes.
He continued.
"Your daughter is an amazing woman, she has grown so much since you last saw her, and I know you watch over her everyday and is always with her, but still, she has become a beautiful young woman..I am so very lucky to have her as my soulmate and I wouldn't trade it for the world." He smiled to you.
"It was hard at first getting her to be mine, but like I always am, I don't give up. I remembered how she lied to me about her soulmark..but I saw right through her." He chuckled slightly.
"At first I didn't know why she was trying to fight the fact we were soulmates, but after hearing her story myself, I understood completely. I told her that I would keep chasing no matter how long it took, but to my pleasure, she was in my arms in no time."

You didn't fight the tears that were flowing freely down your face.
Swallowing the lump in your throat every so often, listening Bokuto talk to your parents.

"She surprises me everyday, and when I think that I finally know everything about her, she surprises me with more new things!" He smiled to you and reached his hand up to gently wipe away the tears on your cheek.
"I love her so much, and I promise to take care of her till we die."
He kept eye contact with you while he spoke.

"I love you too." You finally managed to say.
You then pulled his hand away from your cheek and turned your head to the graves in front of you.
"I miss you guys, more than words can describe..but uncle had been taking care of me and so has you don't have to worry."
You took a deep breath and tried to calm your shaky voice.
"At first it hurt to even think about you guys, and how much I disappointed you back then..I knew I wasn't the best kid and made many mistakes but my eyes have been opened and now..I'm happy..I'm really really happy mom and dad..I wish you could've met Koutarou."

Bokuto started to rub small circles on your back, trying to help you calm down as you broke down in front of him.
The cries and the tears were flowing non stop and Bokuto stood right next to you, ready to catch you when you needed him to.
He wasn't going anywhere.

After a few minutes you collected yourself and gave him a weak smile.
"We can go home now.."

Bokuto nodded to you and planted a gentle kiss on your cheek.
"Go on a head, I'll be right behind you okay?"

You nodded without question and left him to be with your parents alone.

Bokuto looked back down at the stones and smiled. He leaned down and held his hand on your father's grave.
"I want to marry her sir, and before I ask her, I wanted you be the first to know. She deserves no much happiness and I promise that i'll give her all the love and the smiles she needs. I won't leave her side no matter how much she pushes me away. I love her and I just wanted to let you know easy Mr and Mrs, L/n.."
He then stood up and jogged over to catch up with you, you hadn't walked that far so he didn't have to run very far.

"What did you talk about?" You asked as Bokuto laced his hand into yours.

"Only how much I love you." He smiled.

You gave him a smile back.
He didn't know this but you heard every word.
He wanted to marry you and you couldn't wait for that day to come. To spend the rest of your lives together and grow old together, you looked forward to every moment you'll be spending with Bokuto. 
You couldn't be more grateful for him. 

"I love you too Kou."

Thank you for making my dark days brighter.

The End <3

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