Chapter Six

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Classes continued like normal throughout the week.
Bokuto hadn't talked to you but it was clear on his face that he was upset.
You even watched many girls go up to him and confess their feelings.
They even did what that other girl did, they faked their initial marks.

You were walking through the halls since school was finally over. You noticed that Bokuto was once again surrounded by girls.

"Why did you take down the flyer?"

"Did you find her?"

"Did you give up on finding her?"

There were about five girls surrounding him, he looked distressed.

You sighed as you waltzed over to him and grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the circle of five females.


"Sorry ladies, but your man here needs to go to his practice." You said as you pulled him to walk with you.

You could hear the girls talking amongst each other.

"Why did you do that?" Bokuto asked as you let go of his arm.

"You looked stressed, thought I'd save you from them."

He rubbed the back of his head. "Thanks I guess..."

"No worries, you better get to practice now though."

He shook his head. "I actually don't have practice today, coach canceled it."


"Are you heading home?"


"Can I walk you?" He smiled.

"Only cause you live down the same road." You said as you picked up pace a bit.

Bokuto caught up pretty fast and easily, which kind of ticked you off but there was a part of you that was glad to have him next to you.

You could feel it.
The connection of being soulmates.
It felt like there was a slight jolt of electricity when you two would touch.
It made you nervous but also kinda happy.

"How was your day?" Bokuto finally asked.

"Fine, same thing different day."

"Same here. But I have a lot of homework.. I kinda skipped the last couple days of doing it..."

"You shouldn't do that."

"Do you get good grades Y/n?" He asked suddenly.

"I used to."

"Used to?"

"My grades have been slipping a bit in the past couple months... I just don't care anymore."

"Wow you're so carefree."

You hummed in response. "More like tired of the whole school thing."

"Well you are a third year! It'll be over soon."

"I guess."



"Um.. Could you help me with my homework?"

You gave him a side glance to see him smiling at you.
You sighed.
"I guess."

"Thank you!"

"Ya ya." You waved him off.

"Okay! My house or yours?" He chimed.

You shrugged your shoulder. "Don't really care"

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