Chapter Forty One

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"Don't set to me anymore Akaashi!" 

Your face deadpanned as you watched what was happening in front of you.
Bokuto was missing many of his spikes and even messed up a serve. The whole thing lead him to go into his 'emo mode'.

"Fine, but when I'm not setting to you, can you please try and calm down."

"Huh?" Bokuto finched.

You shook your head.
"Should I say something?" You asked Yukie who was right beside you.

"Maybe give it a minute.." She whispered back.

You nodded and watched everything play out.
To your pleasure, Fukurodani didn't led up on Karasuno. They still were landing spikes and blocks, even though their captain was moping around the court.

You looked over to Suga to see him already looking at you and shaking his head with a smile.
You shrugged and laughed to him.

After a few more points, Bokuto was starting to get on your nerves.
The coach called a timeout on Karasuno's side.

The team gathered around you and the managers, their coach telling them that their doing good, completely ignoring Bokuto's episode.

You took this moment to fasten your leg back on and you stood up.
You walked over to where the cart of volleyballs were, everyone watching you except Bokuto, who was talking to Akaashi.

You stood just beside Bokuto with a volleyball in your hand. You motioned for Akaashi to move, which he did with pleasure.

You threw up the volleyball in the air and slammed it against your palm, serving the ball right to the side on Bokuto's head.

"Ow!" He said, turning to you while holding his head.

"Nice serve!" 

"Nice kill!" 

Many members of the team cheered to you.
Bokuto however held a confused look on his face.

"It's time to get back up ace." You said to him.

Everyone looked at you weird, wondering why you were being so blunt with your words. They all expected for you to baby him with compliments and boost his ego. But you didn't quite do that.
Although you didn't sweetly complimented him, you did it in your own way which you knew would boost him back up.

Bokuto smiled and walked over to you, picking up the volleyball in the process.
"Nice serve Y/n." He mumbled before handing you the ball.
"Thank you."

You gave him a nod. "Now, you better get back in there and hit every ball that comes your way, You'll open up a path for him, won't you Akaashi-kun?"

Akaashi gave you a small smile and a nod.

You looked back to Bokuto. "See,... now." You shoved the ball into his chest.
"Show off for me, I like watching you jump into the air, I wanna see that one more time." You then planted a small kiss on his cheek which made him turn into a blushing mess.

He turned back to his team.
"Let's take this set!"

Everyone cheered and looked over to you and gave you thankful looks.
You waved everyone off and walked back to the bench.
You chuckled when you noticed that they only needed one more point to win.

This man..I love him so much...


The set ended with Fukurodani winning. Now you were all gathered outside.
The coaches had out together a barbeque for all the teams for a reward for all their hard work this past week.

You couldn't help but shake your head when you watch Bokuto drool and drool over the cooked meat.
His favourite.

After a few words were said, everyone dove in to get something to eat.
You on the other hand, went to find a place to sit. Your leg was still killing you and you didn't feel like fighting past everyone for food.

You walked over to where the managers were all gathered and took an empty seat. 
You eyed Yukie, who was stuffing food into her mouth like she hasn't eaten in months.

"Our ace is actually just a big softy." Kiyoko said to the Ubugawa manger.

"Asahi? Oh yeah, he wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Say? I've seen you talk to Karasuno a lot, do you know them?" 

You nodded. "I used to go there before coming to Fukurodani. Sugawara is my best friend."

Kiyoko smiled to you.

"Ahh that makes sense now!" Kaori said.

You laughed with the girls before you felt a pair of hands wrap around your body and were suddenly picked up from your chair.

"You need to eat to eat too!"

"Kuroo! Put me down dammit!" 

He had thrown you over his shoulder and carried to where Kenma was sitting with two plates of food next to him.

Kuroo eventually put you down to Kenma and motioned to the food. "Eat." He said before walking away.

"That was necessary.." You grunted.

"He took away my game.." Kenma whispered to no one in particular.

You smiled. "What an ass." 

Kenma nodded and hummed in agreement.

You looked down to the plate full of all kinds of food that the barbeque offered.
"It does looked pretty good though."

You looked over to Kenma who was slightly pouting. 

"Ya know, if you eat fast, the faster you get your game back."

He looked at you from the corner of this eyes and nodded, then started to eat, but not too quickly.

You followed suit and started to nibble at the food in front of you.
If you were being honest, you didn't feel that hungry as Bokuto had given you too much food this morning and you haven't done anything to work it off yet. But the last thing you wanted was to be picked up again or worse, Bokuto to come over and make you eat.

You and Kenma sat in silence, observing everyone around you.
You smiled when you saw Suga mingling with others, and Bokuto talking to Hinata.
The whole thing made you happy.

It was crazy that in such a short time, you felt like you belonged here. You haven't felt like that in years.

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