Chapter Eighteen.

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You were currently getting ready for school when your phone went off.

SUGA: You okay?

Y/N: Yeah I'm feeling better today..actually Bokuto came over last night.

You chuckled as you suddenly were receiving a call from Suga.


"He actually came over? I told him not to I'm sor-"

"'s fine..I actually decided to take your advice and I told him everything."

"You did? And?"

"Well he didn't run..we actually went for a walk after.."

"Did you guys kiss!" He squealed like a girl.

"No Suga. We did not."


"Well first of all, I just got done telling him a depressing story of my life..and he didn't make a"

"So? You should of made a move."


"Okay sorry sorry, Oh here comes Daichi I gotta go, but hey, I'm proud of you Y/n. Now all you have to do is put your past behind you."

"Ya ya, tell Daichi I said hi, oh wait how did the match against Nekoma go?"

"Went well..they beat us like..multiple times. And we kept playing set after set..Hinata kept begging to keep playing."

"Did you get to play at least?"

"I did yes-"

"Hi Y/n!"

"Hi Daichi, how are you?"

"Great! We had a practice match against Nekoma yesterday!"

"I heard it went okay."

"It was interesting, I have to say, their team is pretty good. They do live up to the whole powerhouse thing."

"Guess you guys better practice harder than."

"Hey!" Suga chimed in.

"Anyways, I'll let you guys go, call me later or whatever."

"I'll facetime you when I'm at practice, Tanaka and Nishinoya have been bugging me about you.."

You let put a small chuckle. "Aight, see ya."

"Bye!" Daichi and Suga said at the same time.

You placed your phone in your backpack and went downstairs to pack your lunch and say goodbye to your uncle.

"Morning Y/n" He smiled.


"I have to say, I like Bokuto."

You nodded. "That's good.." You looked over to your uncle and noticed he seemed like he was in a deep thought. 
"What's on your mind."

"Kathy messaged me.."

Kathy your aunt that left your uncle a year before your parents death.
You hated Kathy with a burning passion. She was American and came to Japan as a tourist and she met my uncle at bar and they found out they were soulmates.
She became a permanent citizen here in Japan and married my uncle only three months of meeting each other.
You never did like her to begin with.
She was one of those high maintenance woman who always needed to have her nails and hair done. Spoiler..she wasn't a natural blonde. 

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