Chapter Seventeen

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You and Bokuto were walking around the neighborhood enjoying the fresh air.
You felt better after telling him your life's story.
You felt a sense of relief.

"You know..thank you for telling me, and opening up to me tonight...I also wanna say that I won't ever judge your for your past or the choice you made."

You felt your heart skip a beat as Bokuto talked.

"I know it was hard for you to open up like that but thank you. I also want to you to know that I'm not going anywhere. I've been searching for you my whole life and I was thrilled to find out that you were my soulmate. Since I first layed eyes on you, I knew I wanted to get to know you. "

"Thank you for that reassurance.. I'm sorry I've been closed off.. And for pushing you away..."

Bokuto shook his head. "Don't be sorry."
He then gave you a small smile.
"Since you told me about yourself, I'd like you to know about me more too."

You nodded. "I'd like that."

A tiny bit of blush washed over Bokuto's cheeks.
"Um.. I have a question first."

You narrowed your eyebrows. "Okay?"

"Can I-I hold y-your hand?"

You smirked and laced your fingers between his, feeling that sense of comfort again when you touched.

You wondered how your aunt could leave her soulmate when this is the feeling you always got when you touched.
It was bliss and addictive.

"So tell me about yourself, other than volleyball." You teased.

He smiled. "Well...I was never one to have friends growing up. People always said how I was annoying or just a burden..until I met Akaashi of course." He squeezed your hand tight.
"I have a lot of mood swings and sometimes I feel defeated when I can't do something right..My team is good that way but up till now, I've been "an ace that is coddled by the rest of the team", but when I graduate and we all go to say our goodbyes and go our separate ways, that'll be the time when I can call myself "just an ace"."

You squeezed his hand back. You were about to say something but he spoke before you could.
"Also my parents fight a lot..they also hold a high expectation of me that can sometimes he overwhelming...But when they fight, it's not pretty..I usually go to Akaashi's for the night when they get like that.."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

He shrugged. "It's see, they both don't have soulmate marks so they feel like they don't belong together but they stay together because they think it's the right thing to do...They were quite surprised when they found out I had initials.."

"I'm sure that wasn't something they were expecting.." 

He nodded. "Sometimes it gets brought up into their fights..but that's not important.."

You gave him a small smile.

He looked over to you and his eyes went wide and a big smile washed over his face.


"I like seeing you smile..I don't get to see it enough."

You looked down at the ground. "It's been hard to smile for real..and not fake it."

"Did you fake it with me yesterday? On our date?"

You shook your head. "No."

He smiled again and squeezed your hand again.

You looked up to the sky and noticed that the sun was about to fully set.

"Do you like sunsets?"

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