Chapter Nine

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"How's this look?" Suga said coming out of the dressing room.

You sighed. "Looks like the same jacket that you just tried on.."

"But this one has deeper pockets!" He smiled.

You gave Daichi a disappointed look, which earned a laugh from him.

"Hey Y/n why not try on that shirt you saw earlier, I saw you eyeing it." Suga said as he took off the jacket and wrapped it in his arms.

You shook your head. "I don't need anymore clothes."

"Says no one ever." Suga said, putting the other jacket back on the rack and hanging it up in the dressing room. "I think I'm gonna get this one."

"So does that mean we can go eat now?" Daichi chimed in.

"Yes. Where are we eating?" Suga asked as the three of you went to the cashier.

"We can just eat at the food court?" You suggested. 

"Sounds good to me." Daichi smiled.

"Alright, let me pay for this, then we'll go."

The three of you settled on a ramen stall and were currently eating at a table. You felt a bit uneasy since the mall was really busy today and there were people surrounding all of you.

"Y/n? You okay? You look like you've been in deep thought all day." Daichi asked.

You sighed. "Bokuto asked me on a date.."

Suga choked on his food. "What!?"

"That's good right?" Daichi chimed in.

You shook your head. "I tried to say no, but he wouldn't even let me get a word in.."

"When's the date?" Suga asked.


"Do you know what you guys are doing?" Daichi asked as he finished his ramen.

You shook your head. "Nope."

"Awe..well I don't care, I'm happy for you Y/n!" Suga smiled as he stood up and collected all of our garbage. "You done Y/n?"


"But you barely ate anything.." He stated.

"Just don't feel hungry.."

Suga gave you a solemn look but took your basically full ramen bowl to the trash.


"Yeah Daichi?"

"Why are you so against on getting to know your soulmate?"

You felt your face heat up. "Brings back too many memories..I guess."

Daichi gave you a soft look. "Don't let your past bring you down, try and move on from it and stop dwelling..I'm sure this will be a good thing.."

You nodded. "Sure."

Daichi opened his mouth to say something but closed it when Suga came back to the table. "Let's check out the sports store now yeah? Then I'll take you home Y/n."

You nodded and stood up from your seat.

The boys had went straight to the volleyball equipment and were looking at knee pads.
Your eyes wandered around the volleyball things and then a pit fell in your stomach.
You missed playing volleyball.

Yes you only joined the Karasuno's girls team because of your friends, but you actually enjoyed playing. You wished that you guys were able to make it even close to nationals but they girls always skipped out on practice and never took it seriously. You hated them for it but played it off like you also didn't care.
You considered trying to play again, but since you only got your new leg over a month ago..You didn't think that'd be a good idea.
Jumping around like you used to and any diving? That's all in the past now.

You were taken out of your trace when you noticed the two boys staring at you.
You raised an eyebrow.

"You miss volleyball don't you?" Suga asked.

You nodded. "Yeah."

"Why not try and play again?" Daichi suggested. 

You looked away from them. "It's in the past now."

The two boys let out a loud sigh as they chose new knee pads and went to pay. You took one last look at everything, before following them.


"Text me how the date goes!" Suga smiled as you were getting out of his car.

"Sure..also congrats on the new car. I'll see you guys. And thank you for today, I had fun."

"She did?" Daichi whispered to Suga, who earned a smack in the arm by his friend.

"Take care Y/n! I'll come visit again soon!"

You gave Suga a thumbs up and a wave goodbye before walking to your door.

When you walked inside you noticed your uncle at the kitchen table working on something.

"Hey." You said.

He looked up from his lap top and smiled. "How was your day with Suga?"

"Good, we went to the mall."

You uncle eyed you. "You didn't get anything?"

You shook your head. "I didn't really see anything I liked.." You lied.

"I see..are you hungry? I can start dinner?"

"I already ate with Suga and Daichi.." You lied once again.

"O-Oh okay.."

You tapped your right foot as silence took over the two of you.

"I'm gonna go do my homework.." You lied again.


You then turned to walk upstairs into your room. You flicked the light on and collapsed on your bed.
You laid on your stomach and held your pillow close to your chest.
You eyes wandered to the picture of your parents that you took from their room before moving. You stared at it for a moment before you felt warm tears fall down your face.

"I miss you guys..." You said softly to the pictures.

Soon your phone started to buzz.
You looked to see who was calling and noticed it was Bokuto.

You rolled your eyes and declined his call.

He then called again.

And again.

And again.

You finally gave up and answered. You wiped away the tears and cleared your throat.

"Yes Bokuto?"

"I need help wit-wait..are you crying?"

You hesitated. "No..Now what do you need help with? Is it math again?"

"You are crying..I can hear it in your voice..What's wrong?"

"Is it math you need help with?" You stated again, but this time you had more aggression in your voice.

"Yeah.." He finally said after a few moments of silence.

"What's the problem?"

"I'll send a picture!"

You looked down and noticed he sent you a picture of his worksheet, to which had eraser marks all over it and the questions still remained blank.

"Let me're having trouble with the whole page?"


You sighed. "Okay, turn on your camera, I'll help you."

"Really thank you!"

Soon the request to facetime popped up on your phone. You accepted it and placed your phone sitting against a pillow. 
Bokuto smiled to you as your phones connected. But then his eyebrows furrowed.

"You have been crying."

You shook your head. "Let's work on the first question yeah?" 

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