Chapter Twenty One.

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You and Bokuto were in your room talking about random things, just getting to know each other on a more personal level, until Bokuto's phone started to ring.

"Ah it's my dad..One sec." He said as he answered. "Hi dad."
He pulled the phone from his ear and you could hear yelling on the other line. 
Bokuto looked sad. 
"Um..yeah yeah sorry, I'm actually at um..Akaashi's right I'm spending the night there.."
He pulled the phone from ear again and you heard a woman yelling.
"Okay night dad.." He then hung up.

He placed the phone in his lap.

"Are you okay?" You asked him.

He shook his head. "They must be fighting again..I have to call Akaashi.."

"You can just stay here if you want."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure that's okay?"

"I don't see why not..besides I know that if you stay here, Kathy won't come up and bother me.."

"She said some really mean things to you Y/n..."

You shrugged. "She's always been like that..I always wondered why she was destined for my uncle..he's like the polar opposite of her.."

"I mean were kinda opposites." Bokuto smiled.

You raised an eyebrow. "I mean..I guess point."

He started to laugh.

"Oh here, where's your uniform and practice gear? I can wash them for you."

His face lit up. "That'd be great thank you."

You stood up. "No worries, you cam shower too if you want."

"Okay, can we watch a movie after?"

You nodded. "Sure."

"Cool! Oh my bag is downstairs..Next to yours by the door..I'll go get it!" He then jumped off your bed and ran for your door and went downstairs.

Bokuto ignored your uncle and Kathy's gaze as he went to grab his bag.

"You staying the night sport?" Your uncle asked.

Bokuto froze. "Um..Yeah..I can't go home right now..if that's okay sir."

He smiled. "Sure, You need a change of clothes?"

"No I'm okay thank you." Bokuto liked your uncle.

"Why can't you go home?"

Kathy..not so much.

"Um..m-my parents are fighting..I don't like to be there.." He felt awkward.

"I'm sorry to hear that hun." Kathy said.

Your uncle hot up from his seat at the table and walked over to Bokuto, he pulled him to the living room.
"I wanna apologize for dinner earlier.."

"It's okay sir..I just didn't like how she talked to Y/n.."

"I didn't either..there's just some things I need to work through and I'm really happy that Y/n has you. I can tell you really care for her."

"I do sir."

Your uncle laughed. "You don't have to be so formal B.K, And're more than welcome to stay here anytime you need to when your parents fight...When me and my brother were growing up, our parents constantly fought and we hated I know where you're coming from."

"Thank you."

"You better get back to Y/n, she'll think we stole you away or something." He teased.

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