Chapter Thirty Eight

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The practice games had ended and Fukurodani had ended up winning their set against Ubugawa.
It was time for everyone to head to the cafeteria and have dinner.
Thankfully no one was mad at you for joining for the day in fact, the coach was thankful to see you and helped to get Bokuto back on his feet.

You were about to take a seat next to Bokuto when someone with a mohawk came running over to you.
"Don't tell me a beauty like you is also a manager!"

You gave him a weird look. "No..I'm just coming to visit.."

"Oh my gosh! She spoke back to me! I can officially die happy now!!!" He was now on his knees.

Was this what Suga was talking about? The hell?

"Taketora, stop harassing the poor girl." Kuroo spoke behind him, a tray of food in his hands.

"Yeah! What Kuroo said! Stop talking to MY Soulmate!" Bokuto chimed in with an irk mark on his forehead.

"WHAT! SOULMATE! you're so lucky!" The guy on his knees said to him.

You ignored what was going on and took a seat next to Bokuto finally. You felt his arm wrap around your shoulders as he pulled you closer to his side.
You laughed at him as this was the first time you saw him this jealous in a long time.

"Don't mind him, that's kinda the usual." Kuroo said as he sat across from you.

"The usual? Is that why you guys don't have a manager?" You chuckled.

Kuroo rolled his eyes. "I'd like to think that's not the case, but I wouldn't be surprised."

You gave him a smile and looked over to Bokuto's food, stealing some of it with him not realizing, he was still eyeing Yamamoto who was now sitting at different table with the rest of Nekoma's team.

"So what brings you here?" Kuroo asked, bring Bokuto's attention to you guys.

"I wanted to surprise Bokuto."

Bokuto smiled and leaned in to kiss the side of your cheek.
"I missed you too." He whispered.

"You staying the night?" Akaashi asked, scaring you a bit as you forgot his was sitting at your table.

"Um, I don't think so, I shouldn't over stay."

"But you can't go home in the dark! And I don't want you leaving right now!" Bokuto chimed in, he still had his arm around you.

You pondered for a moment. "Fine, but I'm leaving in the morning."

"Or you just stay, tomorrow is our last day anyways, you can get a ride home with us." Akaashi said.
You smiled to your friend as you knew he wanted to see you too.

"Fine fine, yeah sure."

"Yay!" Bokuto yelled and pulled you into a side hug.

"Eat up bro, we promised shrimpy that we'd practice with him again." Kuroo said to which Bokuto didn't hesitate to start scarfing down food, you would still occasionally steal his food.

Akaashi held out a rice ball to you. "Hungry? Here have this."

You shook your head. "It's okay man."

He gave you a look that made you feel like you had to take it at this point. Kuroo was only laughing when he saw what was happening.
"So I heard you got a new leg."

You nodded, taking a bit of the of the rice ball. "Just got it today." You then extended out your leg and pulled up your sweatpants, showing Kuroo your new leg.

"Nice! Looks cool, I like the slight colour of (Fav colour) In it."

You smiled. "Right! That's the only difference with this leg and the other."

"How's your uncle?" Bokuto asked.

You smiled. "He's good, he's been taking good care of Katie this past week. She seems like she's gonna say her first word here soon."

Bokuto smiled. "That's good!"

You nodded and looked around the cafeteria, spotting Suga sitting with Daichi and the other third years of Karasuno. You noticed Kiyoko and thought to go say hi.
"I'll be back guys, just gonna go say hi to Suga and such."

Bokuto let his arm fall to his side as you stood up.
"Will you be coming with us later?" He asked with a mouth full of food.

You chuckled. "Yes Koutarou. And don't speak with your mouth full."

He rolled his eyes as you left for the table with your friends sitting at.

"Ah hello Y/n-san." Asahi greeted.

"Evening, may I sit?"

Everyone nodded and you sat down right next to Suga, leaning your head on his shoulder.
Your back was facing Bokuto.
You couldn't see but Bokuto was watching you and Suga with jealousy in his eyes.

"Oh Bokuto would you stop." Kuroo said.

"I have to agree, stop being so jealous." Akaashi added in.

"So how have you been?" Asahi asked.

"Not too bad, glad that exams are over now."

"You'll be graduating soon, any plans?"

You furrowed your brows. "Yeah..I guess I have to decide on that one..I don't really know yet."

"Well as long as you still keep in touch with me, I don't care what you do." Suga chimed in.

You nudged him in his side. "Like I could ever lose contact with you Suga, you're too clingy." You teased.


Everyone at the table started to laugh, even Kiyoko.

"So Kiyoko, I heard you found a new manager to take your place."

She nodded. "Her names Yachi, she's a bit shy and anxious but I can tell that she's gonna like the team."

"That's good to hear."

She nodded to you with a small smile.
"You staying till tomorrow?" She asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, I was asked to and well..I can't say no."

She smiled. "You can bunk with me if you'd like, I know you don't have mat to stay on so I don't mind sharing."

You gave her a half, side smile. "Thank you, I appreciate that."

You heard the sound of chairs being pushed and assumed that almost everyone was getting ready to leave the cafeteria.
You looked behind you and noticed that the three you were with before were also cleaning up.

"Well, I'll catch you guys later." You said turning around and standing up, but you right leg cramped a bit and made you stumble a bit.
Suga was the first to catch you and help you back to your balance.

"You okay?" He asked.

You gave him a thumbs up. "Oh yeah, I guess I've been leaning on the right leg too much today or something, just a cramp." You let out and awkward laugh. "See ya guys later."

"Take care." Asahi said.

"See ya." Daichi said.

"Text me if you need me." Suga smiled.

You gave them all a nod and walked over to Bokuto who was just about to come get you himself. Thankfully he didn't see you stumble.

"Hey." He smiled.

"What? No babygirl this time?" You teased.

His face turned to a slight shade of red.

You chuckled. "I'm teasing Kou..So where are we going again?"

"Oh into a gym to practice! Hinata is joining us!"

"I heard." You laughed. "We better get going since rooster and Akaashi already left."

Bokuto looked to where they were just a minute ago and pouted. "Awe they left without me.."

You shook your head. "Come on lover boy." You said as you took his hand into yours and walked out of the cafeteria.

Two Worlds Collide (BokutoXReader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang