And I Oop-

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His name is Jungkook , his attractive and alluring  face, his dark colored hair with blonde dyed end and his big round coffee colored eyes are the first thing I saw when he came to class and I can tell you it probably made my day, not to talk about the fact he is extremely athletic, like dude, get a man like him. 

"Umm, so why are you late?" Teacher questioned. 

"I was walking slowly." He replied, making the class laugh. 

"I will only forgive you today because it's your first day, but you should always come to class on time, understand?" She asked. "

Yes, Miss." He answered. "I know it's your first day, like I said earlier, but bad luck always happens, you have a test." 

"Ok." He responded, like he didn't care.

So, why did she seat him next to me? Is it because she knows I get bad grades? Or because no one sits next to me? Like idk why. When he sat I could smell a really strong perfume that smells fancy or something , you know? But who cares anyway. He looked really focused, I wasn't, because I was busy looking at him and doing the paper at the same time, you won't believe how hard it is, but i love multitasking.

"Hey, you looking at me?"

 "N-no, of course I wasn't" I lied. 

"Just tell me, do I have something in my face?" He asked. 

"Of course not, be quiet!" I whispered, loudly. 

"Alright, if you say so." 

"Yeah" I said, acting weirdly. 

"this how people react with me everyday, like do I look strange, please tell me?" He begged. 

"There is nothing wrong with you, you are so perfect." I replied. 

"Lol, nobody is, the more you know about me the more you'll regret what you said." 

"Are you sure about that?" I questioned.


Unfortunately, we didn't talk after that, but what does he mean, does he know how handsome he is? Please like why? The bell rang so I rushed  to go to  my English class, thank god  I sit next to my friend, V. At the time we were waiting for the teacher, his blue puffy hair in motion since the window which  was open, I could tell you about his good looking face and dark henna like colored eyes. All the people always ask me why I have only guy friends, is it because you don't like girls, or you are just in love with them so you try to be their friends, although, those are not my reasons, therefore don't judge my choices without understanding my reasons, I'm only friends with them because of their heart, it's so magnetic to me, I didn't understand that at the beginning, but we were meant to be friends, forever.

 "You alright?" Jimin asked worriedly.

"You are like the third person that asked me this, I'm FINE!" I screamed, in a whispering way. 

"Since when you didn't like talking? Someone in your mind?" He asked. 

"No, no one in my mind." I lied shamelessly. 

"Understood, so are you gonna keep lying to me?" He responded. 

"Umm, ok then, well this guy joined my class, I told him he was perfect, he said the more you'll know about me, the more you'll regret what you said." I replied. 

"Is it Jeon?" "How did you know?" I questioned.

 "He is the guy the girls keep talking about." Rolling his eyes.

 "Well he just came to school today." 

"And he is the most famous person in the planet." He answered. 

"Okay then, I guess I'm just one of them." I shrugged, while chuckling.

We both began chatting and we soon forgot about the task we were supposed to do and finish for homework, hence I have to do it all for homework, great, I'm doing just great.

Finally, break, freedom, the feeling I had when fresh air came to my nose, as if I got wings from my back and flew high, higher then you could imagine. I was eating what was left from my sandwich with my friends.

"It sucks the fact it stopped raining." I commented.

"Stop complaining, at least we're outside." V replied. 

"You should stop being rude to her dude." Jimin exclaimed, joining the conversation. 

"Ugh, okay Jimin." 


Lol that was that.

How are you all doing?

If I were a tree, I would have no reason to love a human, but here I am loving you

You always pass failure on the way, just remember that nobody's perfect 

Love you guys, be safe 

Love yourself 👦 

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