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Every single day, I feel so empty

I thought I could try getting a dating/friend website.

Because I thought meeting new friends could try and help the way I feel

I feel so lonely in my room

Like it's a big dark hole and I'm being swallowed

Turns out it didn't work

It feels like I'm suffering

I'm so sad and no one even gives a shit

I hide in my room every single day and my own mom doesn't even see a fucking problem with it

It is me who went to the doctors and cried and asked for help because something felt off with me

Everyday I would cry and I didn't know why?

What was wrong with me?

What hurts me is when I told my best friend that I felt depressed and she didn't even believe me

How can someone you care about...didn't even believe you

She only believed I was being dramatic

Go figure. . .

I was in emotional pain.

I was mentally trapped.

I would sleep for long hours.. I wouldn't come out of my room.. I'm starting to not eat as much. And NO ONE sees anything wrong with that..

Maybe I got the wish I asked for.

To be invisible to everyone.

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