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As you grow more maturely,
You'll realize people giving our their hands to you when you least expect it
Why is it that people care when it's often too late?
When the pain has exceed the amount it can endure
Is when people stop and ask, "How are you really?"
Why didn't we give each other the time, love, and attention when it was needed in our critical period in our lives?
Why do we get recognition when it becomes too late?
Or why is it that people come around when they think it could benefit them and their life?..
That's not how humans should be.
Humans cannot always be there for each other
Humans seem to destroy more than they could emotionally and physically could create
Why are we, as humans, are sometimes like this?
Do we lack humanity....
What if we loved and support each other without wanting anything in return?
What if....
What... if...

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