Nature Is Destroyed

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In a world filled with demons and chaos,

I was the queen that brought you eternity sunshine that shinned over the meadow valleys

Filled the nature with the greenest fine trees

With my mystical power, I made the birds continue their peaceful tune to be all day instead of singing in the morning

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With my mystical power, I made the birds continue their peaceful tune to be all day instead of singing in the morning

With my mystical power, I made the birds continue their peaceful tune to be all day instead of singing in the morning

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The animals were kind and intelligence

The people helped and moved each other eight their words

I given this life meaning

Until one day

Evilness spread over the countries like a mad disease

The animals dying

The humans crying

The trees being cut down

Peoples lives are being taken away

How did this all happen?

Wasn't we all at peace

When the true nature within dies,

We die a little inside,

We lose the peace and compassion we have for one another

What has the world come too

Is it too late to turn this all around?


Is an environment filled with hatred and anger became our new world?

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