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I have a wall built up and I am afraid to love someone else.
Like fully love someone .
To love someone for their beauty and their ugliness.
Because i feel like I can fix what's broken in the other person...
I can only love to the amount of what I am capable of.  But there comes a point where I can't love anymore.
Not saying the love I want to share is conditional.
Or maybe it is conditional...
Once I am hurting I stop loving.
I was in true love once.
The person was   Everything to me.
I watched a video
and it hurt me.
I felt pain send electricity down my body. . For so long i have been hurt and trying to heal myself. It's so hard.
It causes me to want to break down and cry. We love and tolerate accordingly to what we believe we should deal with.
But I have holes and unhealed patches.
Patches that have Microtears in them  .

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