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My purpose for this is to open your eyes to rediscovery and realization and not to spread hatred and cruelty. You should know who are the real villains. Since childhood I have been introduced with two types of villains, the villain who wants acknowledgement and the one that wants accomplishment. In stories there are villains that wants you to know that they are your enemy since the very beginning, others lay low and wait for the time that you are weak and hopeless.

In my sixteen years of existence, I have met these villains, they made my life miserable and caused so much trauma. I have memorized each detail of the nightmare like a song that has been inside my head for years, and forgotten how to break free like how I know the back of my head, but there's one villain that I've discovered and realized just now. The villain that you thought was the answer, the friend that caused you so much bad influence and didn't even noticed that you were under his spell. The villain that outstands the rest. The manipulative villain, a friend, a fiend, a demon, its the sin. As descendants of the fallen creation, we have a nature to be sinful, but it can be handled and belittled. But some have embraced the snake and let it slither to their innocent minds, corrupting them by letting them know that they didn't do anything bad. If they knew, they would still see it as a good thing.

My poems may seem underrated, uninteresting, and unappreciated. That's what I love it, its a mask that makes you feel that its mundane but in fact has a lot of deep meanings and critical messages. As teenagers we are thought-out to only worry about boyfriends, future careers and grades. What's the purpose of securing our future if we don't even bother to save the present. These poems are not my diary anymore, they are my message to the youth, to fight and dream for the things that matters and right. We should make a difference while we're young, we are not just dramatic adolescents that is going through puberty. We are inspired youngsters that is going to raise our voice for the betterment of the country.

There are 17 epic tragedies, melancholy stories full of dark imagery and bloody poetries. Poetically illustrating our greediness for money. Buying our dignity and being in a manipulative chain of command for centuries. Our obsession of lust and sexual fantasies. Stealing entire catalogs for profit with the help of cynical clowns for popularity. Backstabbing friends and family. Faking love and affection just to use someone to do your bidding. Hoping for a prince even though they didn't exist. Puting your shoes into the Grim Reaper's. Puppy but naive and immature love. Hoping for crush backs. Unjust treatment to LGBTQIA+ when it comes to love. A criminal couple wanting peace and tranquility. The crestfallen feeling of dying without experiencing love with a romantic lover, and the alternate ending to find one but still feel despondent and ends your life. The haunting of the past hiding in a demonic facade.

May this help you figure out who the real villain is, is it love? Is it sin? Or is it you?

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