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"I think I can say that after eight months, I'm in a great space." Beyoncé smiled. She briefly spoke to Jordan about what she went through. She told him about the depression, the suicidal ideation, the struggles in her last year of high school, losing her college scholarship, being homeless, her abusive, first relationship, her abortion, her sisters moving to Arizona, and more. "I felt alone for a really long time," she sighed as she reminisced on that period of her life.

"Wow, Bey. I'm sorry!" Jordan gave her his sympathy. "Where was Sade in all of this?" He questioned. He was full of anger —mainly because he knew that if he was there, most of that stuff wouldn't have happened to Beyoncé.

"She left!" Beyoncé chuckled bitterly.

"What do you mean she left?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"She and her family moved after the shooting. Don't ask me when and where. She stopped talking to me and stopped coming to school and work," Beyoncé frowned. "The last time we spoke was after questioning. We were leaving the police station at the same time. We hugged and tried to make sense of what happened to us that day. Her parents and my mom were ready to go though, so it was a very brief conversation.

When we said our goodbyes, she promised that she'd call me. That was the last time I saw or spoke to her," she shrugged. This was a huge surprise to Jordan. Sade was his little boo thing, but she was Beyoncé's best friend. Best friends are suppose to stick together, right?

"I'm speechless!" Jordan shook his head. He would have never thought that Sade of all people would do her that way. His feelings towards Sade changed instantaneously. "You said you're in a great space now though right?" Jordan restated what Beyoncé initially said. She smiled as she thought about how much things have turned around for her.

"Yes! One friendship ended, but another was created. I met a girl in community service. Her name is Kennedy. She took me under her wing. She let me stay at her apartment for a few months and helped me get a job. She was there when things got bad with my ex. That's my girl for life," Beyoncé replied. "I worked hard this entire summer, and just yesterday I bought my first car and moved into my own apartment, and I'm dating a new man that treats me right," she continued.

"That's incredible! You've always been so goal-oriented ever since we were in elementary. You always tried to be positive, and instill hope into people, including me. Then you had your angel in Kennedy to reinforce that hope back into you. I'm not surprise that you have overcome so much," he praised.

"You know I always looked up to you. I still do despite everything. We'll always be family, and now that I know where the fuck you are— oops, sorry." Beyoncé put her hand over her mouth instantly. Jordan chuckled.

"Oh please! I may be saved, but I'm not sanctified yet, and from time to time I have to cuss a nigga out in here, respectfully. Lord, forgive me!" He crossed his heart.

"You are a mess!" Beyoncé giggled. Some things never change. "Now that I'm on your visitation list, I will try to come up to see you when I can," she gleamed.

"That sounds cool! I know it's a far drive so we can talk on the phone. I'll have to call you though, so leave your number at the desk so they can give it to me, and you just better answer." Jordan smirked.

"Okay, okay! I will as long as you don't call me super early or super late. I can't promise I'll answer then," she spoke truthfully.

"Of course," he winked at her.

"Five minutes!" The two looked over at the correctional officer who yelled out to them. He had a stern look on his face with his hands gripped tightly to a pair of hand cuffs. That hour flew by so fast. They needed more time. Jordan could see the sadness in Beyoncé's eyes as she looked back at him with a faint smile.

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