My Rescue.

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The two ladies continued to throw punches at one another. Solange was joined by her two younger sisters, Ciani and Leah, who were bawling their eyes out. They were asleep in their room when they heard the shouting. The three girls stood there, unsure of what to do.

Solange thought about calling 911, but the police scared her. She remembered waiting at the Jackson police station, watching them drag black people inside with their hands cuffed. She didn't want her mother nor Beyoncé to be sent away like those other black people. She couldn't afford to lose either of them. Instead, she decided to run towards her mother and sister, trying her best to throw her body in between them.

"MOM! BEY! CAN YA'LL STOP!!" Solange screamed. "I don't want y'all to go to jail, so please—" she begged. Whatever came over, Tina left at that very moment. It was as if she was unconscious and had no idea that she physically attacked Beyoncé. She looked at Solange, Ciani, and Leah, who were an absolute wreck. Then she looked at Beyoncé, who stood behind Solange with her fists balled up, glaring at her mother with so much hate and disdain. Tina was immediately apologetic, but Beyoncé was not receptive.

"I'm sorry, Bey—" Tina was cut off.

"Save it!" Beyoncé muttered. She hastened to the shared bedroom and slammed the door shut, locking it behind her. She immediately went to the bathroom to check her face. She knew that she had done some damage to Tina, and she assumed Tina had done the same to her, hence the blood that she tasted. Standing in the mirror gave her confirmation. The swelling was bad, and so was the bleeding.

As tears fell down Beyoncé's face, she did her best to clean herself up with a fresh, warm washcloth. Shortly after, she began to pack up some of her belongings into a duffel bag. She needed all the essentials for her plan to be away for a few nights. She knew what she said to Tina was disrespectful, but it should have never escalated.

Never in a million years did Beyoncé think their relationship would deteriorate like this. It had gotten to the point where she completely hated to be in her mother's presence. She needed to get away for the sake of her sanity. She had to finally come to grips with the reality that her mother was insane. She tries to love her despite everything but continually gets nothing from Tina in return.

"Bey-Bey, are you okay?" Solange banged on the door. Beyoncé was finished packing, so she zipped up her bag, threw it over her shoulder, and walked to unlock and open the bedroom door. Solange looked at her, confused, once she saw the duffel bag. "Are you leaving?" her voice trembled with fear. All Beyoncé could do was nod her head in confirmation. With that question, Tina appeared from the kitchen into the living room. She watched Beyoncé walk by everyone, heading for the front door.

"Don't go, Bey-Bey!" Ciani ran towards Beyoncé and held onto her leg. Leah joined Ciani as Solange stood back, pouting at her big sister. It made Beyoncé extremely sad and guilty that she was leaving them. She loved them like they were her children. However, she wouldn't be gone for long. It was only temporary.

"It's best that I leave..." she told them.

"Where are you going to go?" Solange questioned sternly.

"To a friend's house," Beyoncé replied.

"Mom, you can't let her leave!" Ciani turned to Tina, who was now just sitting on the couch, casually listening to their conversation until her youngest brought her into it.

"She's grown," Tina mocked Beyoncé. "If a child wants to act grown, let 'em,'" she spoke bitterly. Beyoncé bit her tongue and rolled her eyes in response.

"You promise you'll come back?" Little Leah looked up at Beyoncé with puppy dog eyes.

"I promise, little mama!" Beyoncé smiled at the three of them. "Sister hug!" she summoned. It was their little ritual. Any sister could say "sister hug" at a random or special moment, and they all had no choice but to come to hug in a circle with foreheads touching. It symbolizes their strong connection that will last a lifetime. "I love y'all! Be good for your mama," she stated.

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