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"Sade, could you drop it? I said I'm fine!" Beyoncé paused to look up at her. She was highly irritated and embarrassed to tell her friend what happened between her and their manager.

"Alright, damn! I'm just trying to be a good friend..." Sade rolled her eyes and walked away to continue with her tasks.

Beyoncé felt terrible because she knew that Sade hated to see her upset. She has always been the friend who thought it was her duty to make people feel better. She didn't mean to take her anger out on Sade, but she couldn't help it.

Beyoncé and Sade worked at the front of the store, while Avory and Bob worked in the back.  They spent about 45 minutes cleaning the demolished isles one by one. Once they were done, They grabbed their belongings from the break room and exited the store. Bob locked up the doors before saying goodbye.

"Ya'll have a nice weekend. Stay out of trouble!" He said to the three of them in the parking lot.

"We will, Bob!" Sade smiles and waves at him.

Beyoncé turned to hug and say goodbye to Avory. She ignored Bob even though his eyes pierced through her body with a devilish look. Beyoncé sped up her pace to the car. "Fuck him..." She mumbled to herself. She lost all respect for that man.

Sade noticed Beyoncé walking away while she was talking to Avory. She cut the conversation short with him and ran to Beyoncé before she opened her car door. Beyoncé looks up to see Sade coming towards her.

"You need a ride home again?" Beyoncè questioned.

"Yes, but this is the last time," Sade replied. "My car should be fixed by Monday!" she informs. Beyoncé nodded and unlocked the car doors.

Sade opens the door to get inside while Beyoncé does the same. She puts the key into the ignition and starts the car. She waited a few minutes for the 1983 Ford Orion's engine to warm up. Avory and Bob drove by in their vehicles before Beyoncé put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot.

"So, what do you got planned this weekend?" Sade attempts to make conversation with Beyoncé

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"So, what do you got planned this weekend?" Sade attempts to make conversation with Beyoncé.

"Nothing really —except studying for these damn midterms," Beyoncé huffed.

Beyoncé was one of the most intelligent kids in her entire school. She's even in the running for Valedictorian of her class. However, she's been slacking so far this year. Her grades weren't horrible, but this was a drop-off if you compare Bs and Cs to the straight-A standard Beyoncé placed upon herself. Senioritis is real, and it gets worse when you have to work part-time hours on top of school.

Despite being smart, Beyoncé hated school. She found it to be a chore more than anything, but she knew it was necessary to succeed in life.

"Well, Jordan invited me to Girls' Night at the skating rink tomorrow. You wanna go?" Sade offers. Beyoncé glances over at her friend with raised eyebrows.

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