10 - Surprise at USJ (1)

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Word count: 3660
Rather long because of many POV changes and long AN

Large parts of this chapter are not out of Izukus POV nor have a direct connection with him or his actions.


Also the division of the class was made new (because I wanted to) with a dice. So I didn't exactly choose who's where with whom. It was all the dice fault.

I'm not sure if I should do something similar with the sport festival because I'm rather tired of the obstacle course and the horse battle. I had the idea to think of six replacement trials for each trial (one witch rules out all but 50 and one which ruled out all but 16) and then let the dice decide what it is.

I'm not sure if I do it tho. It will most likely depend on my energy at the time I write the sport festival.


This chapter contains:
- mentions of violence
- (technical swearing but every chapter with Bakugo, so each chapter, contains swearing)
- ⚠️a part told out of the view of a perverted midget ⚠️

Don't say I didn't warn ya.


Izukus POV
The next day

Class 1-a would make a excursion today. To a place where they would train to rescue people from natural disasters. Lucky them, he wished he could be at their place.

Izuku sighed.

Well at least he could go with them and have some fun. When the bus came no-one was there, besides Iida he was there 30 minutes before. Not even Aizawa was there yet.

Izuku used the time until the rest of the class arrived to snuck a tiny bag with powder inside the bus and hide it on the luggage rack.

The class arrived. Iida hurryed everyone to go into the bus and don't waste time. And he scolded Denki and Mina for being late (1 minute, but "to late, is to late").

When everyone was inside the bus they finally drove off.

Izuku had imagined some little pranks that he could do during the bus drive but he had forgotten something.

He had to float and the bus drove with 50 km/h. So pretty much Izukus maximum floating speed. So Izukus main focus during the whole drive was. Being inside the bus and listen to conversations. This would be some headache when they arrived.

"Hey Hagakure, why is you mouth glowing blue?" Asked Momo curious.

The two floating gloves clap on the mouth of the invisible girl to hide the glow.
"Well it began after lunch yesterday. I think someone might have put something into my lunch. And regardless how often I wash my mouth and brush my teeth it doesn't really go away."
Her voice sounded rather dejected.

"Uh let me see. I bet it looks super cool." Mina said.

"It looks disgusting. I don't wanna show it."

"Oh come on I bet it looks awesome."

After a while Toru let her hands go and opened her mouth. Izuku had to give this point to Toru. A floating glowing mouth with teeth and tonge and everything looked disturbing.

Mina reassured Toru that it looked cool, but Izuku was unsure if she lied or not.

"Why does my handy battery go down so quickly?" Jiro murmured.

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