4 - Getting comfy

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The second half of this chapter is more like a summary what happened during a two month timeskip. Sorry about that I won't do it again promise. 😅

Izukus POV

When Izuku entered the UA he first began to get to know the area better.

Since it was afternoon on summer holidays there wasn't really much activity, but some teachers seemed to be there.

Izuku saw the pro hero Hound Dog patrol on the outer school property and played a little bit with him.

He rustled with some leafs and dog hound was looking in the direction and sniffing suspicious.

Then the pro decided that it was nothing. "Hm should I do more? Propably not. Anyways." With this he brocke a branch which lay a few meters away on the ground.

The loud crack had a nice effect on the hero. He got down on all four and began to howl. He than sprinted to the origin of the noise and smelled on the branch.

Then he got his communicator and call someone: "I grr think that somegrrone is on the schools prrrroperrty." he growled, visibly fighting to calm himself enough to speak.

"I think the one has a quirrrk that mask his scrrrent. And maybrre his appearrrance. It might be a spy. But if so then a sloppy one grr."

"Probably not the best idea of my afterlife" Izuku murmured. "Well let's see who else is here."

With this he examined the main building. In there he saw the Pro heros Present Mic, Midnight and Snipe.
Additional he saw the hobo from the park. So he was also a teacher at the UA?
And in a big office he saw a dog. Or a tiny bear?

"But the snout is that of a rat." he murmured.

What ever it was it sat on a chair and tipped something in an computer with a speed that Izuku had a hard time reading what this thing was writing.

It seemed to be an E-mail to a Toshinori in which the animal encouraged him that he would be a good teacher and that he definitely would find a worthy successor in the UA.

Izuku had no idea what to do with this information, but he now knew the name of the animal. Nezu.

With this he continued his investigation of the building and found another hero Powerloader in the basement, where he sat in a workshop and seemed to look over the machines and repair things that are broken or nearly broken.

Somehow this room was nice. It had a atmosphere that felt just right.
If he where still alive, he would say that it was like laying in a hot spring.

"Maybe it is because of all the heavy machinery in here? Does an oversupply of electricity feels like this?" He wondered.

After discovering this he decided to make this room his chillzone.
After about an hour off relaxing he thought it was time to spy on the teachers for a little bit.
He had more than a months to wait until the entrance test was there. And this time wanted to be filled somehow.

Over the next month
Izukus POV


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