5 - The entrance test

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Again a Katsuki Chapter so: swearing

Katsukis POV

Finally the day of the entrance test had come.

Katsuki was eager to beat this stupid test and begin his rise to the top of the hero society.

'You are not worthy to even set a foot in the UA you fucking cripple.' the sentence came into his mind like a storm. He shook his head to drive the thought away.

He took a determined step in the direction of the UA building.
And nearly slammed to the ground when his foot got stuck at something.
Maybe a crooked slab or something similar.

In the last moment he managed make two explosions in his hands and transform his fall into a somersault.

Everyone around him stared at him.

Most of them probably thought, that he wanted do intimidate them with a show of his Quirk. So he decided to go with this.

"Why are you staring so dumb, you fucking extras?" he growled and hurried up into the building.

When he entered the building, he saw a thin boy with dark green hair, standing at a corner.

'Wait is that-? No he's dead.' Katsuki thought.

"Ey you" he shouted in the direction of the boy.

The boy flinched and ran around the corner.

Katsuki ignored the looks of the surrounding extras and ran after the boy.

Before him was an empty corridor.

"What the fuck is going on?" Katsuki cursed. He looked around but didn't saw any way this boy could have vanished.

Then the bell, that called him to the theoretical exam, rang and he had to go. But his thoughts where spinning around a certain boy with dark green hair.


Normally the theoretical exam would be a joke for him. But with his thoughts still focused on other things, it wasn't as easy for Katsuki like it should have been.

In his distracted state he needed more time than usual for the questions.
Additional he encountered some mishaps.
Over the exam five of his tools fall to the ground (which gave him a sour look from the examiner).
And the pencil tips broke several times (although he was sure he didn't apply that much force).
To make things perfect, his pen leaked in an unfortunate moment and ruined nearly half a page.

At the end of time he wasn't finished and his mood was on an all time low.


After the theoretical exam there was an info event for the practical exam.

The guy who held the speech was a tall guy with blond hair. Katsuki didn't recognize him, but his voice was familiar. Maybe he had given a interview or something lately?

However the guy wanted to pitch the crowd up. And failed miserably.

When he told everyone to say: "Yeah"
It actually surprised Katsuki that someone really complied.

The voice sounded familiar it sounded a bit like Izuku but the room was echoing and he already had that damn nerd in his mind for the whole day. So it clearly was an error on his side.

The extra who seemed to have shoutet was a really big guy with six arms and a mask. He didn't seem like someone who talks much, not to mention shout.

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