19 - Gaining A Friend?

797 48 2

Word count: 1295

Yea I have to see the truth. I have no energy for a weekly update.
So at least for the near future I will update every two weeks (still Monday).

Sorry for that but my RL begins to come back after nearly a year of corona break.


Izukus POV

"Damn, there is no way, Kacchan is going to get kicked out, because of bad performance.
Even with me hindering him he still is above average." murmured Izuku while he watched Bakugo taking out Koji and Shoji.

"I can't stand this victory grinning of him. Let's see how the rest of the class is doing."


Izuku saw a fight between Momo and a Student of 1-B Monoma he thought was his name.

The Blonde actually managed to hit Momo once, and then he laughed like a maniac and said
"ha now I've got you." then a lump of metal roughly in the shape of a pistol appeared in his hand.

"What!? why?" then he was bound by a pair of handcuffs Momo made.

"you seem to have copied my quirk, well if you don't understand what you want to create it's useless for you" she explained while stealing his time.


Next Izuku saw Fumikage that dodged ice shards that Todoroki fired at him.

In the end he managed to escape, and Izuku was glad about this. Somehow he liked the ghost obsessed guy.


There were also a Number of Students that just hide.
Izuku saw the Blonde one eyed girl that had challenged 1-A she sat inside a building the eye closed, as if she would meditate. Her timer was quite high so either she had defeated some Students or she had found many hidden timers.

Contrary to this was the second person who was hiding. It was a pink haired girl with yellow eyes. She had some scratches, so she had seen some battles. But at the moment she was in a building as well and was presenting her gear to the camera.
She showed her boots that could hover a grappling hook and much more.

Izuku didn't understand her point in doing this. But hey some sense had to be there right?


10 minutes after he left Kacchans side, Izuku saw a fight that was nearly over. Shinso had someone in his influence and was going towards this person to steal their time. Beside of Shinso lay Jurota Shishida of 1-B, he was unconscious. Izuku could just speculate that he also had lost against Shinso and was used as a kind of battle puppet or distraction.

Izuku knew the victim, it had a fascinating quirk.

"It was clear that he wouldn't withstand Shinso's brainwashing. But hey now that I know how Shinso's quirk works I can test something."

Izuku flew to the victim that reached their right arm to Shinso, so that he could extract their time. Izuku tried to wake the victim by giving them a slap.

In the next moment his perspective changed, now he was standing in front of Shinso, and he felt something. He felt the cloth on his skin, the ground under his feet, a gust of wind in his hair.
It was nearly to much for him, after months without any touch sensation it felt like he could feel everything.

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